The Peterborough Examiner

Religious show might bump up attendance

Re “Suit over Lord’s Prayer” (June 1)

- MIKE HARTJES Cathcart Cres.

I have the answer that will please everyone as per prayers preceding the city council meetings.

First we will all say the Lord’s Prayer. Then we would need to modify this prayer to suit (in all fairness), the Orthodox and other branches of Christiani­ty (if they so desire).

After dealing with the largest sector of religion, we would need to start to move into the next most prominent religious belief, and so on. This would (in no specific order) include Sunni Islam, Shi’ite Islam, all the other Islams, Hinduism, Judaism, the major Chinese religion, Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, and yes, there would be a third Buddhism prayer for the Vajrayana Buddhism (first time I have heard of this religion).

Then we would all need to have a “nature moment” due to the fact that a large religious percentage on this planet worship nature itself. Then, finally, we would need to have a moment of silence for all the other religions that were excluded. (There are a few darker ones, and smaller ones that have less than oh, say 10 million followers). And if they decide to make a fuss we may do a quick sacrifice prior to the meeting . . . hopefully nothing too disturbing.

Or we could leave the religion to the churches, homes, and the respectabl­e groups to practise in their own way and in their own time the way they wish, with the respect of all other respectabl­e citizens as per their right. (Except for maybe the sacrifice part – that might be illegal).

Personally, I would come just for the cultural experience and then leave before the meeting. (No disrespect to our cherished council members – I just can’t sit still).

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