The Peterborough Examiner

Marathon voting session ahead

- JESSICAMUR­PHY Parliament­ary Bureau

OTTAWA — MPs are heading into a marathon voting session on the omnibus budget bill - part of the opposition's last-ditch attempt to throw a wrench into the Conservati­ve government's legislatio­n.

NDP House Leader Nathan Cullen told Conservati­ves to "pack their jammies" for what's likely to be more than 24 hours of consecutiv­e voting on amendments to Bill C-38.

Parliament­arians are expected to start voting late Wednesday on more than 800 amendments tabled by opposition parties last week, which have been grouped together for a maximum of 159 votes in all.

Cullen said Monday that the government could have avoided the voting marathon if they'd split the bill into separate pieces of legislatio­n, as the NDP had originally proposed.

"Rather than have this aroundthe-clock voting, we could have been studying the impacts of the bill," he said.

Cullen also raised a point of privilege in the House that could delay C-38's passing, arguing the government is withholdin­g informatio­n about the number of government workers to be laid off as a result of the bill -- informatio­n that had been requested by the parliament­ary budget officer, Kevin Page.

"Parliament­arians will be voting blind on this legislatio­n," Cullen said.

The Conservati­ves say the opposition are simply playing procedural games with important legislatio­n.

"We intend to win every vote, and we're going to get this budget passed before the summer," Tory House leader Peter Van Loan said.

The omnibus bill weighs i n at over 420 pages, would adjust 70 separate pieces of legislatio­n, and contains some 700 clauses.

Among the many changes put forward in C-38 are provisions to boost the age of eligibilit­y for old age security, to streamline the environmen­tal review process and to adjust fisheries laws and employment insurance legislatio­n.

On Monday, Speaker Andrew Scheer set out the voting schedule for the hundreds of amendments put forward by opposition parties. He also rejected Green MP Eliza- beth May's bid to get the omnibus bill tossed out. In a point of order earlier this month, May asked for C-38 to be rejected because it's too wide-ranging in its current form.

In his ruling, Scheer said it wasn't his role to reject the bill but left it up to the House to decide whether to set new limits on omnibus legislatio­n.

Scheer is expected to rule on Cullen's point of privilege at a later date.

 ?? CHRIS ROUSSAKIS QMI Agency ?? Official Opposition House Leader Nathan Cullen says the government could have avoided the Bill C-38 voting marathon had it split the bill into separate pieces of legislatio­n.
CHRIS ROUSSAKIS QMI Agency Official Opposition House Leader Nathan Cullen says the government could have avoided the Bill C-38 voting marathon had it split the bill into separate pieces of legislatio­n.

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