The Peterborough Examiner

Make a plan before hitting garden centre

How to get the most for your money

- DENZIL SAWYER Special to QMI Agency Denzil Sawyer is a Master Gardener in Brantford.

Good shoppers look for the best possible plants when they go to a nursery or garden centre to buy flowering plants, shrubs or trees for their garden.

Always take a few minutes to look carefully at what is offered for sale. You want to buy healthy, top-quality plants that will thrive when you get home. Choose reputable garden outlets that are known for the quality of their merchandis­e. Fortunatel­y, here in Brant County there are garden centres that are clean, well organized and with wares that are well marked, fresh and free from disease.

Before you go, decide what you want to buy. Make a plan and list the plants so that you are not carried away by the fetching plant displays. Whether you are buying flats of annual bedding plants or individual shrubs it is critical to check for pests and diseases before purchasing. You do not want to bring problems home. On annuals, check for aphids, spider mites and whiteflies by looking closely at the stems and the undersides of the leaves. There should be no speckling, webbing, holes or other signs of insect problems. The leaves of aphid-infested often feel sticky from their excretia as the insects feed. Spider mites leave tiny webs on the underside of leaves. White flies are easy to see. Avoid any plants with powdery white patches indicating mildew. There is no need to buy flats of annuals with all the plants in flower. A few will tell you the colours that you want. All the plants will burst into colour once in the ground. They will start blooming in a week or two once they become establishe­d.

When purchasing perennials look for plants that are clearly labelled which will fit into your colour scheme. The plants should be still young and leafy with buds. The flowers will come in good time. Perennial flowering plants will last for several seasons. Mid-spring is a good time to shop for them. Check out their health as you would the annuals. The plants can be slid out of their pots so that you can get a look at the rootball. Plants in smaller pot can make good bargains as they will catch up to the fuller and larger plants in a year or two.

Since shrubs will be a permanent feature of your garden taking time to select the right ones is important. Plants grown locally will do well in Brantford. Check the label for the height and width of the mature plant as well as the flower colour. The leaves will give you a picture of the shrub's health. Avoid plants with twiggy or fragile growth. You want shrubs with a wellbranch­ed and balanced shape. If the root ball is exposed by sliding it out of the pot inspect it to see that the roots are not thickly matted or with circling roots. Cornus mas, forsythia, witch hazel, bridal wreath spirea and pussy willow can be forced into bloom if the branches are cut early. Labels should tell you how to plant roses and other shrubs. Do not attempt to enrich the soil unduly as woody plants will establish easily in the soil.

Few people attempt to plant trees although I have done so successful­ly without problems. Trees grow for a long time and, if you are young, will be there until you retire. If you are taking a small tree home make sure that there is an adequate-sized root ball. There must be enough sound roots to support healthy growth.

Other factors that are applicable to shrubs will be the same for trees. Bare root shrubs and trees, if young, can be cheaper to buy. If a plant is in a plastic pail I simply cut off the bottom and slit the side and slip it into the hole I dug. Find out how to prune shrubs and trees as you may have to do this before long.

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