The Peterborough Examiner

Danger Grainger does it again

Blind 88-year-old waterskis on Stoney Lake for Fairhaven cause

- JESSICA NYZNIK Examiner Staff Writer

Kenn Grainger’s determinat­ion paid off. The 88-year-old legally blind Fairhaven resident water skied Stoney Lake’s waves for 32 seconds Thursday.

That’s more than double last year’s time – but Grainger was hoping for more.

“I was wanting 10 minutes,” said Grainger, as the boat made its way back to the dock. “But, at the same time, I’m happy.”

It was Grainger’s third run out of The Irwin Inn in the last three years.

The first time out, Grainger just wanted to see if he could still get up on skis after a few decades hiatus.

Then last year, he turned the event into a fundraiser for his long-term care home on Dutton Rd.

“Fairhaven is one of the best nursing homes in the province of Ontario,” he said.

In past years, Grainger pulled himself up on a beginners bar off the side of the boat.

This time around, he had a helper to assist him up, with Grainger holding his own after the helper let go.

The shoreline of The Irwin Inn was lined with supporters and friends who came out to see Grainger in action.

As he made his way down the inn’s stairs to the docks before the event, friends offered words of encouragem­ent, gave Grainger a pat on the back and shook his hand.

“It’s a real thrill to think there’s so many people interested in me,” said Grainger of his fans.

Despite his improved time, Grainger said this year would be his last water skiing – although he said that last year, too.

“Sometimes people lie,” he said jokingly. “Last year I said it was the last time and this year I’m saying it’s the last time – the old knees are a little shaky.”

But that’s not going to stop the Fairhaven resident from volunteeri­ng his time.

“I love helping people. I’ve been volunteeri­ng for 60 years in Peterborou­gh and I see no reason to quit.”

NOTE: Donations to Kenn Grainger’s cause can still be made at https://fundrazr. com/campaigns/5ybM3.

 ?? JESSICA NYZNIK/EXAMINER ?? Kenn Grainger, 88, gets a boost from Colin Maude while water skiing on Stoney Lake on Thursday. Grainger rode the waves to raise money for his long-term-care home, Fairhaven. See additional photograph on Page A2.
JESSICA NYZNIK/EXAMINER Kenn Grainger, 88, gets a boost from Colin Maude while water skiing on Stoney Lake on Thursday. Grainger rode the waves to raise money for his long-term-care home, Fairhaven. See additional photograph on Page A2.
 ?? JESSICA NYZNIK/EXAMINER ?? Kenn Grainger, 88, gives two-thumbs up on Thursday after water skiing for 32 seconds on Stoney Lake. Grainger rode the waves to raise money for his long-term-care home, Fairhaven.
JESSICA NYZNIK/EXAMINER Kenn Grainger, 88, gives two-thumbs up on Thursday after water skiing for 32 seconds on Stoney Lake. Grainger rode the waves to raise money for his long-term-care home, Fairhaven.

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