The Peterborough Examiner

Exhibit brings Honour System to citizens

It’s An Honour display at Lift Lock until Sunday

- JASON BAIN Examiner Staff Writer

It’s not every day you get to hold a medal awarded to real-life heroes, or see memorabili­a that will forever be a part of Canada’s hockey lore.

But the It’s An Honour travelling exhibit, which celebrates our country’s honour system, is doing just that for the weekend at the Peterborou­gh Lift Lock.

The interactiv­e display is set up in a 1,000-square-foot trailer open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday. It highlights Canada’s national honours, celebrates award recipients and talks about the roles and responsibi­lities of the Governor General.

“I’ve never seen a Victoria Cross before,” said Amanda Pullan, who checked out the exhibit late Thursday morning while enjoying a lockside picnic with her family.

Ben Denhoed liked the handson aspect of the offering, especially that his son Joseph, 4, could use the interactiv­e screens. They, too took in the exhibit before enjoying a picnic.

“I think it’s neat that it’s free. It helps us know more about our great country that we enjoy so much and greatly appreciate,” he said.

It’s An Honour features multimedia pieces, memorabili­a, and interpreta­tive panels as well as medals and insignia. Visitors will also have the chance to learn more about the Canadians who have received awards, and why they were honoured.

Along with celebratin­g Canada’s national honours and recipients, the exhibit also gives people an opportunit­y to see what medals are awarded through a nomination process, so they can nominate deserving individual­s in their own communitie­s.

Exhibit visitors can also check out Diamond Jubilee recipient Sidney Crosby’s hockey jersey from the 2013 playoffs and watch a hologram message from former Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Peterborou­gh marks the end of a two-year journey for the exhibit. Not everyone is familiar with the system, so it offers intrigue, said tour manager François Grenier.

“It always targets their curiosity,” he said. “There is a little bit of something for everyone.”

Grenier thanked everyone who has made the tour a success, including those who have even helped out when the tour has broken down roadside.

They, too, helped bring the nation’s capital to the citizens.

“We wanted to take the Honour System to the people, and we did,” he said.

NOTE: For more informatio­n, visit, call 1-800-4656890, email HonoursExh­ or check out /HonoursExh­ibit on Facebook and Twitter.

 ?? CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/EXAMINER ?? Visitors Stuart McCully and Tanya Russell check out displays Thursday at It’s An Honour, a free cross-Canada travelling exhibit that celebrates our country’s honour system, next to the Peterborou­gh Lift Lock. The interactiv­e display is set up in a...
CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/EXAMINER Visitors Stuart McCully and Tanya Russell check out displays Thursday at It’s An Honour, a free cross-Canada travelling exhibit that celebrates our country’s honour system, next to the Peterborou­gh Lift Lock. The interactiv­e display is set up in a...

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