The Peterborough Examiner

Water tower to be replaced

New tower to replace Havelock tower built in 1958 expected to be completed by end of 2016

- JESSICA NYZNIK Examiner Staff Writer

HAVELOCK -- Havelock is getting a new water tower next year, thanks to a grant from the provincial government.

Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Township is receiving $1.66 million under the Ontario Community Infrastruc­ture Fund.

Agricultur­e, Food and Rural Affairs Minster Jeff Leal, the MPP for Peterborou­gh, announced the province’s contributi­on during a meeting at the village’s standpipe, or water tower, on Concession St. in Havelock on Thursday.

The new, larger tower will hold more volume, improve distributi­on pressure and offer better fire protection for the village.

Built in 1958, the existing standpipe needed up to $300,000 worth of repairs and upgrades.

The inside of the tower needed sandblasti­ng and repainting, and updated safety features were required.

But now, instead of putting their money into a nearly 60-year-old structure, the township is contributi­ng just over $185,000 into the new water storage facility.

“Without this grant from the provincial government, we wouldn’t be able to proceed with a project of this magnitude,” said township public works director Brian McMillan.

With 627 village users responsibl­e for paying for the water system, an increase to water bills to cover the cost of a new tower wasn’t feasible.

“There’s no way we could increase their water bills to such a rate to afford something like this,” McMillan said.

The township is currently in the planning and engineerin­g phase of the project, with constructi­on to begin in the spring.

The proposed design includes a glass-fused structure, which would require less maintenanc­e than the existing steel standpipe.

The tower will also have a false bottom for a mechanical system.

And it’ll be taller and wider than the existing tower, with the capacity to house an addition in the future.

The township hopes to build the new standpipe about 10 metres behind the existing one, with constructi­on wrapping up by the end of December 2016.

McMillan said the new facility is a “huge win” for the village of Havelock.

 ?? CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/EXAMINER ?? Agricultur­e, Food and Rural Affairs Minister and Peterborou­gh MPP Jeff Leal chats with HavelockBe­lmont-Methuen Township Mayor Ron Gerow after an announceme­nt to provide $1.66 million in provincial funding to replace the Havelock standpipe water tower,...
CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/EXAMINER Agricultur­e, Food and Rural Affairs Minister and Peterborou­gh MPP Jeff Leal chats with HavelockBe­lmont-Methuen Township Mayor Ron Gerow after an announceme­nt to provide $1.66 million in provincial funding to replace the Havelock standpipe water tower,...

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