The Peterborough Examiner


- By EugEnia Last

Let your emotions lead the way this year. Act on your true feelings and don’t shy away from making changes to the way you live or what you do in order to reach greater satisfacti­on or happiness. Experience will inspire you to expand your plans and reach for bigger and better results. Partnershi­ps will lead to good fortune. Your numbers are 4, 7, 16, 24, 30, 39, 47.

Make a difference by taking part in an event that can bring about positive changes. Your ability to visualize and express your thoughts openly will convince others of the possibilit­ies. Your contributi­ons will result in greater respect among your peers.

Give more thought to a plan before you begin. Take stock of what you have done in the past before blindly delving into the future. Consider what’s most important to you and eliminate the projects you feel are a waste of time.

Serious talks will help to clear the air and put you one step closer to getting what you want. By making the people in your life who count understand your concerns, you will be given the go-ahead to follow your dream.

Check out a financial trend. What you discover will help you make better choices when it comes to investing your money. Knowledge will be the key when it comes to decisions that have long-term effects. Romance is in the stars.

Emotions will flare up if you become overly exuberant. Settle down and use your energy wisely. It’s what you do for others that will make the biggest impact on those around you. Listen to complaints and find solutions.

Stay focused on whatever you are doing. Having a practical attitude and an ability to adapt will help bring you the success and recognitio­n you are looking for. Set your sights high and reach for the stars.

Help those less fortunate than you and you will in turn help yourself. Taking part in an event will open a window of opportunit­y to make your voice heard and attract positive attention. Love and romance are favored.

Take a back seat and observe what’s going on around you. It will be easier for you to accomplish the creative tasks that you can do on your own. Physical exertion will help ease your stress and keep you out of trouble.

Don’t hesitate when time is of the essence. It’s up to you to get things done, finish what you start and make plans to move forward. Short trips and home improvemen­ts will lead to valuable informatio­n and greater happiness.

Don’t get angry with others when you should be the one making adjustment­s. Wasting time trying to please everyone will keep you from making progress. Do what needs to be done and keep moving.

Excitement, adventure and plenty of change is heading your way. Embrace what life has to offer and share your good fortune with the ones you love. Opportunit­ies are all around you, and with a little ingenuity, you will succeed. Romance is encouraged.

Try not to mislead someone. Expressing your thoughts in a colorful manner will draw attention, but if you cannot live up to the expectatio­ns you set, you will not only disappoint yourself, but also those who believe in you. arduous Ayr Ballina Bundaberg burn Cairns crop crush cutter cyclone damage export factory farmer food gum hardship harvester income Innisfail Kanakas loss Mackay molasses Mossman rail rats rubbish rum Sarina shed snakes

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