The Peterborough Examiner


Online sharing brings worldwide support for Big Love Ball

- ALEESHA HARRIS Vancouver Sun

There’s a whole lot more to the Big Love Ball than just fodder for Instagram and Pinterest.

“Big Love Ball is a huge inflatable sculpture that has the uncanny ability to pull people together,” Wendy Williams Watt says of her design. “We have more than 150 photos on our website of people who have participat­ed with our Big Love Ball Project.”

The photos have included celebritie­s, musicians, artists and athletes — including the Vancouver Whitecaps soccer team — to everyday individual­s.

“Photo sharing has largely been the reason it has spread so quickly,” she says.

Williams Watt created the ball after stepping away from her 20-year career as an interior designer (she counted Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson among her clients) as a sort of love note to the community she was leaving behind.

“My design studio was in the centre of a hybrid neighbourh­ood — a mixture of working folks, residents and children from the school across the street, whom I grew to really care about after a decade of coming and going,” she says.

“While packing to leave, I wanted to say a million grateful things. I wanted to express my deep affection for my friends.”

So Williams Watt created a huge white ball with the word love emblazoned on it.

Needless to say, it was a big hit in her Kitsilano, B.C., neighbourh­ood — and beyond.

“People came from everywhere to say goodbye and get closer to the Big Love Ball,” she says. “Soon, I had requests from everyone asking if I could make one for them.”

She says the appeal of the white sphere is obvious. It’s all about love.

“It is impossible to misunderst­and the meaning,” she says. “It is joyful to be around. People include Big Love Ball in almost every scenario, from weddings, birthdays, fundraiser­s, family reunions ... in every corner of the world.”

In the year since it was created, it’s been used by charities in support of causes ranging from rescued animals to autism.

She donates a portion of sales (the five-foot ball retails for $79, while the three-foot one sells for $39) to three charities: Paws for Hope (an animal rescue group), The Trevor Project (which supports transgende­r children) and Children’s Rare Disease — the last two of which hit especially close to home for Williams Watt.

“The Trevor Project creates support for kids in gender crisis. That’s going to be a much bigger number than we know,” she says. “We have an ambassador who is 12 and transgende­r, Tracey Wilson, an example of a healthy, well-supported youth. With support, our kids can do and be anything.”

Williams Watt began donating to Children’s Rare Disease after learning about the health struggles of the child of close friends.

“We have very dear friends, two dads with a son named Grayson, who lives with a challengin­g condition called MSUD (Maple Syrup Urine Disease, a rare genetic disorder dealing with the breakdown of three key amino acids),” she says.

The popularity is exactly what she had in mind when she and her partner, William Byma, created it.

“More than a party favour or decorative piece, it has become a movement. Our message is about inclusion and compassion. We believe that Big Love Ball is for everyone. One logo. One brand. One planet. One voice. One universal family.”

Williams Watt aims to foster the idea of the “universal family” via her website and social media accounts, which feature endless streams of photos featuring the Big Love Ball.

“People tell us about countless moving events, celebratio­ns and gatherings where Big Love Ball has broken barriers and encouraged really significan­t connection.

“We keep in touch with so many people, know their personalit­ies, who their families are and what they cherish.

“We have ‘family’ in Amsterdam, Australia, Japan, China, Chile, Mexico, the United States and Canada, of course.” The Love Ball has been on

Good Morning America and had

a photo shoot with Dragons’ Den alumna Arlene Dickinson.

“I pinched myself when I found an e-mail on my desktop marked Oprah Winfrey,” says Williams Watt. “I pinch myself all day long when I think about how far my one-word love note has travelled.

“I am often moved to tears.”

 ??  ?? Canadian supermodel Monika Schnarre poses with the Big Love Ball.
Hajnalka Mandula.
Tracey Wilson.
Vancouver Whitecaps.
Canadian supermodel Monika Schnarre poses with the Big Love Ball. KAYLA ROCCA PHOTOGRAPH­Y Gordon. ANICK VIOLETTE PHOTOGRAPH­Y Hajnalka Mandula. ANICK VIOLETTE PHOTOGRAPH­Y SHERRI KOOP PHOTOGRAPH­Y Tracey Wilson. Vancouver Whitecaps. ANICK...

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