The Peterborough Examiner

Trump’s failed America nowhere to be found

- ANDREW COHEN Andrew Cohen will be the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canada U.S. Relations at the Woodrow Wilson Internatio­nal Center for Scholars in Washington D.C. for the 2016-17 academic year. andrewzcoh­

VINALHAVEN, Me. — In this hot, dry summer on the eastern seaboard of the United States, I have been searching for Donald Trump’s America.

I have to report that I have failed miserably. I cannot find it.

Trump insists it’s there with every blast of his rhetorical flatulence. He knows, as the tribune of doom, that if it does not exist he does not exist, not really. Anxiety is his oxygen. But I cannot find his United States of Dystopia. I cannot find the rising crime, the stagnant economy, the desperate middle class, the forgotten/ struggling black community, the crumbling cities, the lurking terrorists. Nor can I find the consuming fear, the vanishing creativity, the ebbing spirit.

I cannot find an America that needs to be “made great again,” the siren call of Trump’s travelling carnival. From what I’ve seen over the last year touching down in New England and other regions, it looks pretty great.

Perhaps I am naïve or myopic. So let America speak for itself.

Unemployme­nt is 4.9 per cent. (In Canada, it’s 6.9 per cent.) Economists worried this economy was slowing; its response was to add 255,000 jobs in July. Even in places like Youngstown, Ohio, where idle steel mills have made Trump popular, unemployme­nt is 7.6 per cent.

The economy is not only creating jobs lost since the recession, it is addressing the carnage. Family income is US$53,657, which is $3,700 less than 2007. It’s a real problem. But the early forecast for 2015 suggests the real median household income was up as much as 3.8 per cent.

Crime is well below levels of the 1970s. Immigrants are not rapists and murderers; they join a pluralisti­c society with an immense capacity for absorbing and advancing them.

There has been no significan­t terrorist attack in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001. The U.S. military remains the world’s strongest, by far. Americans dominated the Olympics.

Yes, there are fewer jobs in manufactur­ing and incomes are down. Many jobs are minimum wage. Murders are up in Chicago and other places. There are illegal immigrants.

But this is not the story. The United States is resilient and tough. Trump’s trope is fiction. You see it everywhere.

California is stricken by drought, but its economy is remarkably buoyant.

The U.S. is nearly self-sufficient in energy. There has been a renaissanc­e in Washington, Los Angeles, Boston and other cities.

Race haunts this society, and coarseness taints popular culture and political discourse. Drugs are an epidemic. But to say that black America is a failure, as Trump does, ignores its emerging middle class. It ignores a progressiv­e people who have elected a black president. Who are abandoning capital punishment and have legalized gay marriage, and in some states, marijuana.

You see this in Maine, called the most elderly and most rural state. Here, on these rockbound islands in the Atlantic, lobstermen are landing a record catch while husbanding the resource, so it does not collapse like the cod and mackerel fisheries.

This community has embraced wind power, revived modest saltwater farming and renewed its gorgeous Carnegie Library.

In Maine, it seems, everyone makes something — craft beer, artisanal gin, linen shirts and goat cheese.

Portland, Maine’s largest city, is now a foodie capital.

Volunteeri­sm and generosity thrive. Patriotism lives here beyond July 4.

I have tried to find Trump’s dark, faded, faint-hearted America. But it’s just not there.

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