The Peterborough Examiner

Wind still fills sails of Wynne arrogance

- — Peter Epp

Only in Kathleen Wynne’s Ontario would we still be spending money we don’t have, to build wind farms few people want, to generate electricit­y we don’t need.

And yet that’s exactly what’s happening six months after the government halted its green energy policy. Planning for five new wind turbine developmen­ts continues despite admission from the Wynne government that Ontario won’t use the electricit­y these turbines will generate.

Indeed, if history is any indication, the excess electricit­y generated from turbines yet to be built will be sold at a steep discount, probably to American states that already offer electricit­y cheaper than Ontario’s, states that in some cases are using cheap electricit­y to lure away Ontario business.

The Ontario government says it’s contractua­lly obligated to allow the last of these wind turbine developers to bring their plans to fruition. A sensible response would be to cancel the contracts and pay whatever legal penalties might follow. But no, the Wynne government will stoically follow through.

Never mind that her predecesso­r, Dalton McGuinty, had no such qualms about cancelling natural gas-generation plants in Mississaug­a and Oakville, a move Ontario’s auditor-general said cost taxpayers approximat­ely $1 billion. That cancellati­on came after the residents of those cities levied concerns about the gas plant’s location.

It’s interestin­g how they listened so carefully in 2011 to the concerns of Mississaug­a and Oakville, yet have been deaf to the pleas of rural communitie­s where wind turbines are being developed.

Consider Dutton Dunwich. As with approximat­ely 100 other municipali­ties in the province, the Elgin County community is an “unwilling host” to wind turbines. To further buttress its opposition Dutton Dunwich in 2014 became the first Ontario municipali­ty to hold a referendum on the issue. Over half of its voters participat­ed, with 84 per cent voting against wind farms.

At a March 22 demonstrat­ion, at an open house held by the wind company that wants to build upwards of 19 turbines in Dutton Dunwich, a representa­tive of a group opposed to the project said: “As a democratic society we voted in opposition to this (project) and yet here we are still fighting them . . . it doesn’t seem to matter that we don’t want (the turbines).”

Wynne would do well to heed that comment. But the green energy policy has from the beginning specifical­ly ignored local councils and residents. The arrogance of that position remains on display even as these last turbines are prepared to be built.

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