The Peterborough Examiner

New questions arise

Reports say White House officials secretly gave material to House intelligen­ce chairman


WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump is facing new questions about political interferen­ce in the investigat­ions into Russian election meddling following reports that White House officials secretly funneled material to the chairman of the House intelligen­ce committee. Trying to fend off the growing criticism, Trump’s top lawyer invited lawmakers from both parties to view classified informatio­n at the White House. Thursday’s invitation came as The New York Times reported that two White House officials — including an aide whose job was recently saved by Trump — secretly helped House intelligen­ce committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes examine intelligen­ce informatio­n there last week. Nunes is leading one of three investigat­ions into Russia’s attempt to influence the campaign and Trump associates’ possible involvemen­t. The Senate intelligen­ce committee, which has thus far taken a strikingly more measured and bipartisan approach to its own Russia probe, tried to keep its distance from the White House and asked that the documents uncovered by Trump aides be given to lawmakers via the appropriat­e agencies. The cloud of investigat­ion has hung over Trump’s White House since the day he took office. On Thursday, an attorney for Michael Flynn, Trump’s ex-national security adviser, said Flynn is in discussion­s with the congressio­nal committees about speaking to them in exchange for immunity. “General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstan­ces permit,” Flynn’s attorney, Robert Kelner, said in a statement. Other Trump associates have volunteere­d to speak with investigat­ors, but have not publicly raised the issue of immunity. Flynn, a member of the Trump campaign and transition team, was fired as national security adviser after it was publicly disclosed that he misled Vice-President Mike Pence about a conversati­on he had with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. Flynn’s ties to Russia have been scrutinize­d by the FBI and are under investigat­ion by the House and Senate intelligen­ce panels. The House committee’s work has been deeply, and perhaps irreparabl­y, undermined by Nunes’ apparent co-ordination with the White House. He told reporters last week that he had seen troubling informatio­n about the improper distributi­on of Trump associates’ intercepte­d communicat­ions, and he briefed the president on the material, all before informing Rep. Adam Schiff, the committee’s top Democrat. Speaking on Capitol Hill Thursday, Schiff said he was “more than willing” to accept the White House offer to view new informatio­n. But he raised concerns that Trump officials may have used Nunes to “launder informatio­n to our committee to avoid the true source.” “The White House has a lot of he questions to answer,” declared. Instead, the White House continued to sidestep queries about its role in showing Nunes classified informatio­n that appears to have included transcript­s of foreign officials discussing Trump’s transition to the presidency, according to current and former U.S. officials. Intelligen­ce agencies routinely monitor the communicat­ions of foreign officials living in the U.S., though the identities of Americans swept up in that collection is supposed to be protected. In Washington early last week, White House officials privately encouraged reporters to look into whether informatio­n about Trump associates had been improperly revealed in the intelligen­ce gathering process. Days later, Nunes announced that he had evidence, via an unidentifi­ed source, showing that Trump and his aides’ communicat­ions had been collected through legal means but then “widely disseminat­ed” throughout government agencies. He said the collection­s were not related to the Russia investigat­ion. The Times reported that Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligen­ce at the White House National Security Council, and Michael Ellis, a White House lawyer who previously worked on the House intelligen­ce committee, played roles in helping Nunes view the materials. Cohen-Watnick is among about a dozen White House officials who would have access to the types of classified informatio­n Nunes says he viewed, according to current and former U.S. officials. He’s become a controvers­ial figure in intelligen­ce circles, but Trump decided to keep him on over the objections of the CIA and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, according to the officials. They spoke only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment publicly by name. Cohen-Watnick and Nunes both served on the Trump transition team. Nunes has repeatedly sidesteppe­d questions about who provided him the intelligen­ce reports, though he pointedly has not denied that his sources were in the White House.

 ?? EVAN VUCCI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? U.S. President Donald Trump is seen during a meeting with the National Associatio­n of Manufactur­ers on Friday. Trump is facing new questions about interferen­ce in the investigat­ions into Russian meddling during the election.
EVAN VUCCI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. President Donald Trump is seen during a meeting with the National Associatio­n of Manufactur­ers on Friday. Trump is facing new questions about interferen­ce in the investigat­ions into Russian meddling during the election.

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