The Peterborough Examiner

Officials praise NAFTA progress

Trump threat lingers with no major advancemen­t


OTTAWA — The third round of negotiatio­ns to rewrite the North American Free Trade Agreement has wrapped up with the lead ministers for Canada, Mexico and the United States congratula­ting themselves for the progress made so far.

But the spectre of a U.S. withdrawal by President Donald Trump is looming ever larger, thanks to stalled progress on major issues.

The progress cited by Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland includes signing off on one chapter of the re-written continenta­l trade pact focused on small and medium-sized businesses.

Freeland said the three countries expect to sign off on the competitio­n chapter prior to the next round of negotiatio­ns in about two weeks in Washington.

“Meaningful advances” have also been made in telecommun­ications, digital trade, good regulatory practices and customs and trade facilitati­on, she added.

U.S. Trade Representa­tive Bob Lighthizer acknowledg­ed, however, that difficult issues are still to come.

The slow pace of the Round 3 talks is being widely blamed on the lack of concrete American proposals — fuelled by internal divisions in the U.S. — but there is also grumbling about a lacklustre showing by some Canadian negotiator­s as well.

That is stoking broader fears that an impatient Trump could trigger NAFTA’s withdrawal clause if he doesn’t see a win for the U.S. by the end of the year.

The talks are ending a day after the U.S. Department of Commerce proposed a hefty 219 per cent countervai­ling duty on jets manufactur­ed by Montreal’s Bombardier, further straining the Canada-U.S. trading relationsh­ip.

During question period Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledg­ed that Freeland and Lighthizer discussed the Boeing-Bombardier dispute in their meeting.

A rift emerged also Tuesday with unions saying Canada was facing opposition from the United States and Mexico on its proposal to raise labour standards, targeting what are seen as anti-union practices in more than two dozen U.S. states and improving the plight of Mexican workers.

In addition to the impasse on labour, no substantiv­e progress was made on the investor state dispute settlement process; opening up Canada’s supply-managed dairy and poultry industry; or the U.S. demand for greater American content in automobile­s manufactur­ed in North America.

Freeland reiterated her oftrepeate­d message that the U.S. enjoys a trade surplus with Canada in variety of areas, citing the statistics on steel, manufactur­ing and auto parts.

She cited them not as an example of a “good measure of the success or failure of a trade deal, but to stress that our trade with the United States is reciprocal, mutually beneficial and nearly perfectly balanced,” Freeland said.

She added: “We have a highly productive relationsh­ip. We want to keep it that way.”

A top Mexican business leader echoed the “do no harm” approach to the talks in an interview with The Canadian Press.

Mexico is deeply worried about the possibilit­y of Trump making a move to unilateral­ly withdraw from NAFTA, said Moises Kalach, a leading member of the private-sector group that advises the Mexican government on the negotiatio­ns.

“We take it very seriously. He is the president of the United States,” Kalach said in an interview.

Like Canada, Mexico has mounted its own full-court press on various levels of U.S. government and business. Kalach cited 200 stakeholde­r meetings in the U.S. and meetings with 22 state governors. Mexican business leaders also planned meetings with 20 Canadian businesses and associatio­ns this week.

The overarchin­g takeaway from all of that consulting, said Kalach, is this: Most are on a different page than Trump and see NAFTA as essential.

“We’re almost 100 per cent aligned in the private sector sometimes, even with the government­s of Mexico and Canada,” said Kalach.

Most companies don’t agree with Trump’s threats to NAFTA’s Chapter 19 dispute resolution process, he said.

“It seems like the only voice out there that does not agree with some of the things we’ve been doing is President Trump and his team. So yes, we’re worried about withdrawal and we’re lobbying strongly on that.”

Peter Clark, an Ottawa-based internatio­nal trade strategist who was involved in the NAFTA and Canada-U.S. free trade negotiatio­ns, said the U.S. negotiator­s are mainly responsibl­e for the foot dragging, but it’s unclear if that’s a deliberate strategy of a manifestat­ion of internal American divisions.

“They’re getting a lot of pushback from Congress on some of the positions they want to take,” said Clark.

The delays don’t auger well for the fourth round of talks in Washington, he added: “I understand it’s beside the Pentagon so there may be fireworks.”

Canada’s negotiator­s have been consulting with industry and civil society groups throughout Round 3. A steady stream of stakeholde­rs have been filing out of Ottawa’s old city hall building, where the talks have been taking place since Saturday.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, centre, meets for a trilateral meeting with Mexico’s Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal and Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer, United States Trade Representa­tive, during the final day of the...
SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, centre, meets for a trilateral meeting with Mexico’s Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal and Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer, United States Trade Representa­tive, during the final day of the...

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