The Peterborough Examiner

Where’s crusade against offshore tax dodgers?


Of the many poses Justin Trudeau has adopted since becoming prime minister, his performanc­e as the defender of “tax fairness” for the middle class has been the most laughable.

Until it blew up in their faces, Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau spent weeks portraying small business owners across Canada as corporate fat cats, whom they accused of unfairly taking advantage of tax laws to avoid paying their fair share of the income taxes decent, hard-working, middle-class Canadians pay.

And yet, through all their ranting, everyone knew that compared to offshore tax havens used by the super-rich to avoid paying taxes in Canada, Trudeau’s small business tax reforms — now downsized in the face of national outrage — were going after, relatively speaking, chump change.

So why weren’t Trudeau and Co. campaignin­g against the big fish.

The penny may have dropped over the weekend when the Toronto Star and CBC, citing a massive leak of tax documents from two major offshore tax firms dubbed the Paradise Papers, revealed two prominent federal Liberal fundraiser­s were linked in a complex offshore tax haven that put $60 million “beyond the reach of tax collectors in Canada, Israel and the U.S.”

The first was Stephen Bronfman of Canada’s iconic Bronfman family, who, aside from being a close friend of Trudeau, was also his chief fundraiser for the 2015 election. The second was Leo Kolber, a senior fundraiser for Trudeau’s father Pierre when he was prime minister, a powerful former Liberal senator, Stephen Bronfman’s godfather and a close friend of the Bronfman family.

In response to suggestion­s from some tax experts that questionab­le transactio­ns may have occurred within the offshore trust account, Bronfman said Monday in a statement he “has never funded nor used offshore trusts” and that his “Canadian trusts have paid all taxes on all their income to the Canadian Government.” Bronfman said a “single loan made over a quartercen­tury ago to the Kolber Trust was repaid five months later, and was on an arm’s length, fully commercial basis, in full compliance with all legal requiremen­ts, including with respect to taxes.” Beyond that, he said, he

“has had no other direct or indirect involvemen­t whatsoever in the Kolber Trust.”

William Brock, a lawyer representi­ng the Bronfman and Kolber families, said in an email to the Star and CBC his clients, “have always acted properly and ethically, including fully complying with all applicable laws and requiremen­ts. Suggestion of false documentat­ion, fraud, ‘disguised’ conduct, tax evasion or similar conduct is false and a distortion of the facts.”

But even assuming all these transactio­ns were legal — and the leaked documents reveal 3,300 individual Canadians, politician­s, businesses, trusts and foundation­s using offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes — doesn’t end the controvers­y for Trudeau. That’s because there was nothing illegal about the “tax loopholes” Trudeau said he wanted to close to prevent small businesses from taking unfair advantage of the tax system.

Rather, Trudeau’s argument was the tax laws needed to be changed to protect the integrity and fairness of the system by ensuring all Canadians paid their fair share.

Surely, a similar argument can be made about offshore tax havens.

Perhaps that will be Trudeau’s next big, public tax reform crusade.

But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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