The Peterborough Examiner

Fish swim, so don’t keep fishing in the same place

It’s an offence to use game fish as bait so use local minnows from a bait shop

- RICK DANIELS Rick Daniels is owner/operator of Chemong Lake Fishing Charters, www.kawarthafi­ –

Part 2 of two parts

With live bait, you don’t have to worry about working your line, just toss it out and wait, with a bobber or without. If you use a bobber/float, you can actually see the fish strike.

This is the part of fishing where you really have to be patient. If you pull on it too soon, you will just pull it out of the fish’s mouth. On the other hand, if you pull it too late, your quarry may have already picked the hook clean.

Experience will be your best teacher, along with a few tips.

Berkley Gulp Alive makes a good alternativ­e to live bait.

The lighter line you have, the greater sensitivit­y you have to actually feel the nibbles, but the more chance of losing a big fish. I find that 6 – 8 lb. test is a favourite unless you going after muskie.

Keep your terminal tackle to a minimum. You don’t need a 24” steel leader for bass. My favourite rig is a plain minnow or worm tipped hook tied directly onto the line with a couple of small split shot sinkers 12” and 18” above that.

You should only use local minnows from a bait shop as there are only certain ones you can and cannot use. It is an offence to use game fish as bait.

For example, if you catch a little perch, you can’t use it for bait to catch a big bass. Saying that, since perch is a favourite food for bass and walleye, if you do catch a little perch – stick around the area for a while. A big bass may be feeding in the area.

I’m not going to get into huge detail regarding artificial lures, however suffice it to say, you have to be working them or retrieving them constantly for them to preform properly and they must be balanced. For example, a small Rapala will have a lot better action if tied directly onto you line, rather than attached to the end of a big clunky leader – try it.

Someone once told me: “You know Rick, fish swim”. Don’t stay in exactly the same place – move around. Don’t use the same presentati­on all day – if it’s not working, change it up. On the other hand, if it’s not broken – don’t fix it. If you are having a successful day using what you are using, it may be wise just to keep using it.

If you practise “catch and release,” you should be aware of the following. The number one killer of catch and released fish is exposure.

Have your camera ready instead of fumbling around for your phone or camera while the fish is laying on the ground gasping for air. It’s like someone holding your head underwater.

Handle the fish as little as possible; you can damage their protective slime. I use a rubberized net to land them and water soaked cotton gloves.

Happy fishing!

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