The Peterborough Examiner

Province’s debt is the biggest issue in this election


As candidates scurry around in the last few days of this election looking for the right hot buttons to push, I have almost given up hope of finding someone to support.

The thought of joining those rebels without a cause by writing “none of the above” on the ballot has just a little appeal, so I’m making one last attempt to find a party with a plan to pay off (not down) our massive provincial debt.

The media has done their part with both the Globe and the National Post giving some excellent perspectiv­e on the issue.

Doug Ford has made vague promises to “do things differentl­y” but other than the ending of “corporate welfare,” I can’t find much to get excited about.

With interest on the debt approachin­g 10 per cent of expenditur­es, it is hard not to worry what will happen if the 40 per cent of that debt which comes due during the next four years must be financed at higher rates.

Even more scary is that none of the parties seem to be aware that we are almost 10 years into an economic expansion. This is a time when minimal debt would give us options when the next recession arrives and tax revenues decline.

Is anyone running for office willing to at least publicly recognize the problem? Please give me something to vote for.

David Green, Wallis Drive

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