The Peterborough Examiner

Still work to be done

- DEAR ELLIE ellieadvic­

Q. My husband of 37 years and I met at university. I deeply loved him. We’re both now early 60s.

Although he’s been a loyal husband and good father, he’s never expressed any sweet words, never initiated a non-sexual touch, and has always physically rejected me if I even tried to hold his hand.

I hate to talk about it, but mentioned a few times how his behaviour causes resentfuln­ess and fades away love. He says he doesn’t like to act fake.

His best response: “As long as you’re my wife, means you’re the best.”

He has two possessive and close elder sisters with whom I’ve maintained good relationsh­ips.

However, I feel that he’s been taught to care more about keeping them happy and ignoring his wife’s feelings.

He’s told our kids, “No matter what I do, she’s never happy,” because he never earned as much money as I wished. Not true at all.

I’ve been thinking about separation lately, but wonder if it’s too late.

A. You’ve been visibly giving, but mostly silent, about feeling emotionall­y neglected, waiting for years for shows of affection that didn’t happen.

Unfortunat­ely, you built resentment instead of confrontin­g the matter in a way that you both could’ve tried to handle.

He didn’t “get” what you needed, but believed that your relationsh­ip was solid.

“Hating to talk about it” just prolonged and worsened the problem.

There’s still work to be done by both of you.

Of course, you can choose to live independen­tly. But that alone doesn’t give you what you’re seeking.

With heightened awareness of what you’ve been missing, it’s time to look closely at your marriage, along with your husband. It’s worth a try.

Tell him how you feel in the presence of a marriage counsellor. If he rejects that idea, say that you can no longer accept feeling neglected.

His sisters may be part of the problem, or not.

But your reluctance to make him confront his lack of affection hasn’t helped you.

She’s always been angry

Q. My sister’s dying of cancer, in incredible pain. Her time left is unknown.

She’s always been angry — terrorizin­g her daughter and husband all their lives, and wouldn’t speak to either parent while they were alive

She won’t allow any family to see/speak with her, refuses outside help, and has enslaved her (abused) husband to her care, screaming at him constantly. He won’t leave her. We’re afraid to confront her behaviour lest we be cut off altogether.

A. Ask her doctors what else can be done to ease her pain, and how to help her husband through this.

Decide if any of you are willing to share shifts with him, or to take her abuse if you hire part-time helpers to relieve him.

If unwilling, then what is it you’re afraid to be cut off from? There’s apparently been little family closeness with her, ever.

She needs to change

Feedback: Regarding the husband who purposeful­ly lowered his sex drive (May 4):

Reader: “For a husband to minimize his sex drive to meet his wife’s non-existent libido, that’s not a compromise. Sex is part of marriage. This woman needs counsellin­g to understand that her husband has physical (and normal) needs for intimacy, and that these feelings are what bonds a husband to his wife.

“She needs to change something in her work scheduling, or get medical help for any ailments, in order to meet her husband half way.”

Ellie — Since the husband believes that he’s found a compromise he can live with comfortabl­y, it’s his business. I didn’t advise that route.

He’s not — for now — feeling unhappy, unloved or that he’s missing out. When there’s a change in one partner, it may well spark a change in the other. Time will tell.

I agree that counsellin­g may help them both to find a long-term solution.

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