The Peterborough Examiner

A Harvard professor called coconut oil ‘poison,’ leaving India unhappy


NEW DELHI — When epidemiolo­gist Karin Michels of Harvard University gave a lecture on nutrition in Germany this summer, she probably did not expect to set off an internatio­nal incident.

But after she called coconut oil “pure poison” and “one of the worst foods you can eat,” India decided to fire back.

The comments by Michels sparked a mix of outrage and incredulit­y in a country where coconut oil is a dietary staple, especially in the south (Kerala, a state in southern India, can be translated as “land of the coconut tree”).

The comments by Michels are “unsubstant­iated and inconsider­ate,” wrote B.N. Srinivasa Murthy, India’s horticultu­re commission­er, in a letter emailed last week to the dean of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

He asked the dean to take “corrective measures” and retract the comments. Michels made “negative statements against the revered crop of billions,” wrote Murthy.

In an interview, Murthy said that the lecture by Michels came up at a meeting last month in Bangkok of the Asia Pacific Coconut Community, a gathering of officials from 18 countries. “There was a little bit of anguish,” he said. “I wondered what had made her make this statement.”

The skirmish between India and Michels is part of the larger war over coconut oil.

Starting in 2011, coconut oil went from a little-known item in health food stores to a “superfood” which inspired its own craze in the United States, hailed for an array of unproven health benefits.

But coconut oil is also high in saturated fat, which is a leading cause of heart disease. Last year the American Heart Associatio­n advised against the use of coconut oil because consuming it raises a harmful form of cholestero­l, much like butter and palm oil.

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