The Peterborough Examiner

Virus taking a toll on opioid users

Addicts are accessing low-quality drugs, leading to overdoses


Members of the marginaliz­ed and homeless communitie­s in Peterborou­gh say they have been impacted hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to hopelessne­ss and despair.

Suspected drug overdoses in Peterborou­gh city and county are up compared to last year, with the number of overall suspected overdose deaths at about 35, more than last year’s total.

It’s bad out there, said Jonathan Gillard, a recovering addict.

“This fentanyl and heroin are a serious epidemic,” Gillard said.

They blame the deaths on a contaminat­ed drug supply coming into the city during the pandemic.

“I was an opioid user,” said John, who has recently stopped using due to the risks of the contaminat­ed drug supply. He asked that his last name not be used.

Accessing medical help in an emergency can be difficult, he said.

“When somebody overdoses you are waiting forever for anybody with you to phone 911. When they show up, they take you up to the hospital and they release you.”

It’s worrisome, he said, because when someone is released, they can go right back to using again.

“I quit because of that reason. I watched so many guys drop, and you don’t know whether they drop because the opioids are good or there are benzos (benzodiaze­pines) in it.”

Nancy Cottrelle said her son was one of those who overdosed but was fortunate enough to live through the ordeal.

He had just started using opioids when he overdosed, which nearly cost him his life, she said.

“He had just started, maybe three months,” she said. “But he was dabbling, he was, but the more you do the more you need to get the sick off.”

Earlier this month, plans were announced to turn the former Greyhound bus station at Simcoe and Bethune streets into Peterborou­gh’s Opioid Hub, which will house PARN’s Harm Reduction Works program and may at some point also include a supervised injection facility.

Cottrelle said she believes that the city also needs a treatment centre.

“We need a recovery centre here, something like Pinewood (recovery centre of Oshawa),” Cottrelle said. “Some place somebody can go, kind of like a safe house. Where they can go and clean up.”

People are dying because of the substances, she said, and not just those who use substances.

“It kills people,” she said. “But it also kills the family. They are left asking ‘what did I do?’ Those kinds of questions can never be answered.”

Gillard recalls the time he overdosed in his bedroom by himself and how it was a turning point for him. He has been clean for more than eight months.

“Each day, it would get easier and I got through the 30-day period and then the 60-day period and it got easier,” Gillard said.

“You were high on life because you started to get yourself back again,” Gillard said. “I looked myself in the mirror and I said, ‘Hey Jonathan how are you doing? I love you,’ and I cried right in the mirror and I said, ‘Welcome back.’ ”

As of Oct. 7, there have been 35 suspected drug-related deaths this year in the city and county, said Peter borough Public Health.

About 83 per cent of the suspected overdose deaths occurred at residences.

“These deaths have occurred consistent­ly throughout the year,” Peterborou­gh Public Health reported. “With at least one death occurring every month, and with most months having multiple deaths take place.”

Peterborou­gh Public Health told The Examiner informatio­n regarding counts less than five is not shared due to the possibilit­y of identifyin­g those involved.

“Almost all the monthly counts for 2020 are less than five. This is why we provide a cumulative total for the year instead.”

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