The Peterborough Examiner

More action and less talk in first 100 days with Biden


WASHINGTON — The card tucked in U.S. President Joe Biden’s right jacket pocket must weigh a ton. You can see the weight of it on his face when he digs it out, squints and ever-so-slowly reads aloud the latest tally of COVID-19 dead.

Sometimes he’ll stumble on a digit — after all, flubs come with the man. But the message is always clear: The toll of the virus weighs on him constantly, a millstone that helps explain why the typically garrulous politician with the megawatt smile has often seemed downright dour.

For any new leader, a lingering pandemic that has killed more than a half-million citizens would be plenty for a first 100 days. But it has been far from the sole preoccupat­ion for the now 78-year-old Biden.

The oldest person ever elected president is tugging the United States in many new directions at once, right down to its literal foundation­s — the concrete of its neglected bridges — as well as the racial inequities and partisan poisons tearing at the civil society. Add to that list: a call for dramatic action to combat climate change.

He’s doing it without the abrasive noise of the last president or the charisma of the last two. Biden’s spontaneit­y, once a hallmark and sometimes a headache, is rarely seen. Some say he is a leader for this time: more action, less talk and something for the history books.

“This has been a really terrible year,” said Matt Delmont, who teaches civil rights history at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. “There’s so much. We want a new president to be a light forward.”

Biden “sees the virtue of going bigger and bolder,” Delmont said. “It so strongly echoes FDR.”

Already, Biden has achieved a pandemic relief package of historic breadth and taken executive actions to wrestle the country away from the legacy and agitations of former president Donald Trump.

When Trump won the 2016 election, former president Barack Obama said he saw something very American in the outcome. “The path that this country has taken has never been a straight line,” Obama said. “We zig and we zag.”

It’s Biden’s zigzag now. The temperatur­e is lower. The drama is less. And the persona is fundamenta­lly different.

“He ran as the antithesis of Trump — empathetic, decent and experience­d, and he is delivering on that promise,” said former Obama adviser David Axelrod.

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Joe Biden

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