The Peterborough Examiner

It’s been a blessing, privilege to share my thoughts


I have to be honest with you, my dearest readers, I have been struggling to write as of late. Not for a lack of things to say, nor due to a lessening of my passion to write, but because I have not been able to offer the same critical voice that I have been known for.

Nearly a year ago, my life changed when I came to finally know God.

My entire perspectiv­e of the world around us has changed so drasticall­y.

It is as though I am looking at the world through a completely new set of eyes.

A cliché I know, yet there is no other way of describing where I am at today.

Whether it was politics or other various topics that I have touched on over the years, I maintained a certain tone in my writing. If you have read enough of my pieces, you would know that I have been critical, stern, or even bitter sounding at times.

There was a reason for that, an intentiona­l tone. The thing that has always bothered me the most is seeing potential that was never achieved, whether within people, politician­s, or our society at large. I haven’t been critical for the sake of it, but because I have simply wanted to see people do the best they can.

However, I can’t provide that critical voice anymore.

I cannot continue to write from a perspectiv­e that has led many of you to think that I am a grumpy old man.

I further find that I can’t talk about anything other than God anymore.

The thing is, I have been experienci­ng joy, pure joy for the first time in a long time. The last six years, my entire life really, leading up to being found had been mired with such immense suffering. Things I cannot even mention here that nearly destroyed me.

I am free of all that now, oh so incredibly free. I’ll certainly save all of that for my autobiogra­phy. Yes, I intend to continue writing throughout my life, it just won’t be in this space anymore.

So, with all of that said, after more than four years writing for The Peterborou­gh Examiner, 185 columns, around 120,000 words, this will be my last piece here for now.

I want to thank you all for reading my words whether you agreed or not with the opinions and perspectiv­es I have offered. I have appreciate­d all the emails and comments over the years, the good and the bad. Those who have supported me, and those who have challenged me to do better.

I want to thank the team at Metroland Media, particular­ly the former editors of The Examiner, Kennedy Gordon and Reginald Watson, for believing in me, for giving me a voice, and this opportunit­y.

It has been such a blessing and a privilege to be able to share my thoughts with our community.

I am sure there are some who will revel in this day, by all means rejoice. Although this is a sombre moment for me, I am satisfied with the decision I have made to no longer write in this space.

I have been called to do more than just complain in a weekly column. I have been called to roll up my sleeves and actually start doing something tangible within my life and the lives of others.

All of that suffering within my life that I briefly mentioned, has had such a divine purpose, shaping me into the man I am today.

I cannot wait for what is to come over the next several years. I hold nothing but hope.

I will still be around. Peterborou­gh is and always has been my home.

Perhaps a book or two will be in order down the line. I’ve always wanted to share my poetic works more.

I bid you farewell for now my friends. God bless.

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