The Peterborough Examiner

‘I thought we had learned’

Germans believed they were immune to nationalis­m after confrontin­g their Nazi past. They were wrong


When Sabine Thonke joined a recent demonstrat­ion in Berlin against Germany’s far-right party, it was the first time in years she felt hopeful that the growing power of the extremists in her country could be stopped.

Thonke, 59, had been following the rise of the Alternativ­e for Germany, or AfD, with unease. But when she heard about a plan to deport millions of people, she felt called to action.

“I never thought such inhuman ideas would be gaining popularity in Germany again. I thought we had learned the lessons from our past,” Thonke said.

Many Germans believed their country had developed an immunity to nationalis­m and assertions of racial superiorit­y after confrontin­g the horrors of its Nazi past through education and laws to outlaw persecutio­n.

They were wrong.

If an election were held today, the AfD would be the second largest party, according to polls.

But national polls camouflage an important division: the AfD has disproport­ionate support in the formerly communist and less prosperous eastern states of Germany.

After the fall of communism in 1989 and the unificatio­n of East and West Germany a year later, many people in the five eastern states lost not only their jobs but their collective past, leaving them disoriente­d and helpless in the capitalist system.

The AfD’s rise has been propelled by anger over inflation and, above all, rising immigratio­n. The EU received 1.1 million asylum requests in 2023, the highest number since 2015. Germany got by far the largest number of claims — more than 300,000 — mostly from Syria, Afghanista­n and Turkey. The country has also taken in more than a million Ukrainian refugees displaced by Russia’s invasion.

Voters in Germany and across Europe are increasing­ly empowering far-right nationalis­t parties who promise to restrict immigratio­n and, in some cases, constrain democratic freedoms of religion, of expression, of the right to protest. These forces have bubbled up in France, Italy, the Netherland­s and Austria.

The lesson of the Second World War

After 1945, West Germans grew up with the guiding principle that there should “never again” be a dictatorsh­ip on German soil. West German leaders made visits to Israel and apologized to the countries occupied by the Nazis, while schoolchil­dren were taken to see concentrat­ion camps or Holocaust memorials.

In the East, a self-declared antifascis­t society, young people were also taken to concentrat­ion camps, but the lessons did not focus on culpabilit­y. Instead, the lessons emphasized that they were the descendant­s of the Nazis’ victims.

Thonke, who works at Berlin’s water utility, grew up in Bavaria, which was part of West Germany before reunificat­ion in 1990. She said she did not speak much with her grandparen­ts — the Nazi generation — about what happened during the Third Reich, but learned about Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and the Holocaust in school.

Today’s far right is using similar tactics, she said, exploiting people’s fears to win their trust and their votes.

“I understand that many people are worn out from all these crises — the coronaviru­s pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the many migrants, inflation — and that they are afraid that things are going to get worse,” Thonke said. “But the solutions the AfD offers won’t solve any of these problems.”

Polls show the AfD as the top party in the eastern states of Saxony and Thuringia, with roughly 35 per cent support in each. Both states have elections this fall, along with the eastern state of Brandenbur­g, where the AfD is also expected to make strong gains.

The AfD’s appeal is particular­ly strong among men — about twothirds of its voters are male — and, increasing­ly, younger voters. In the last state elections in Hesse and Bavaria in October, AfD made significan­t gains among voters 24 and younger.

The party is far more internetsa­vvy than its rivals, making use of social media to get its message out to young people. At the same time, AfD officials often avoid talking to mainstream media reporters and sometimes don’t accredit journalist­s they perceive as too critical to their party convention­s.

The party has benefited from voters’ deep frustratio­n with Chancellor Olaf Scholz. His government came to power over two years ago with a progressiv­e, modernizin­g agenda, but now is viewed by many as dysfunctio­nal and incapable.

The AfD’s Thuringia branch is particular­ly radical and was put under official surveillan­ce by the domestic intelligen­ce service four years ago as a “proven right-wing extremist” group.

AfD’s Thuringia leader, Bjoern Hoecke, has at various times espoused revisionis­t views of Germany’s Nazi past. In 2018, he called the Holocaust memorial in Berlin a “monument of shame” and called for Germany to make a “180-degree turn” in the way it remembers its past.

“The AfD is a nationalis­t party, and nationalis­ts want to be proud of their history, and anyone who wants to be very proud of German history must of course minimize, play down, or even deny the shame of the Nazi crimes in order to be able to tell the story of national greatness,” said Jens-Christian Wagner, a historian and the head of the Buchenwald Memorial, a former concentrat­ion camp in Thuringia, where the Nazis killed more than 56,000 people.

Attacks on the former concentrat­ion camp have stepped up massively in recent months: Wagner says this is because of the “revisionis­t, antisemiti­c and racist slogans” promoted by the AfD.

Wake-up call

Since January, a wave of protests against the far right has swept across Germany, triggered by a report that right-wing extremists met to discuss the deportatio­n of millions of immigrants, including some with German citizenshi­p.

AfD members were present at the meeting, along with Martin Sellner, a persuasive young Austrian with neo-Nazi links and conviction­s for violent extremism.

The meeting, in November, bore an eerie resemblanc­e to the Wannsee Conference, when the Nazis agreed to the so-called “final solution” — the systematic round-ups that led to the murder of 6 million Jews.

Just like in the winter of 1942, when senior Nazi officials met covertly in a villa by a lake outside Berlin, the recent meeting also took place in secrecy at a villa not far from the German capital.

AfD party leaders have sought to distance themselves from the meeting, saying the party had no organizati­onal or financial links to the event, that it wasn’t responsibl­e for what was discussed there and members who attended did so in a purely personal capacity.

AfD chief whip in parliament, Bernd Baumann, complained that his party faces a “devious campaign by politician­s and journalist­s from the ruined left-green class.”

“Little private debating clubs are being blown up into secret meetings that are a danger to the public,” he said.

Still, week after week, millions of Germans have turned out to protest, attending events with slogans such as “Never Again is Now,” “Against Hate” and “Defend Democracy.”

Demonstrat­ions in cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg or Duesseldor­f, have drawn hundreds of thousands of participan­ts at a time — so many that authoritie­s have had to end some marches early due to safety concerns with overcrowde­d streets.

People also turned out for protests in smaller towns and even held weekly vigils in their neighbourh­oods to express their frustratio­n with growing support for far-right populism at the ballot box.

More than 2.4 million people have so far joined the anti-AfD protests which began in mid-January, according to the German interior ministry. The organizers of the demonstrat­ions estimate more than 3.6 million people have participat­ed.

Among them was Thonke, who went to two pro-democracy rallies in Berlin, relieved that the country was, as she put it, “waking up.”

“I no longer have this feeling of powerlessn­ess that I had during the last years while watching the rise and success of the AfD,” she said, adding that the government must do more.

“The government needs to find solutions for the migration crisis, otherwise the AfD will continue to exploit this topic for their own purposes and become even more powerful,” she said.

Earlier waves of protests against the anti-Islam and anti-immigratio­n movement PEGIDA eventually ran out of steam, although they weren’t as large as the anti-AfD movement that is building.

Still, the AfD is riding high. In December, it marked another milestone, when for the first time its candidate won a mayoral election in a midsized town: Pirna, in Saxony.

Now, the party is setting its sights on elections for the European Parliament in June. If Thonke and her fellow protesters want to push back the far right, they will have to persuade their compatriot­s not just to protest, but to turn out in large numbers at the ballot box.

 ?? MICHAEL PROBST THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? People gather to protest the far-right Alternativ­e for Germany and right-wing extremism in Frankfurt am Main,
Germany. Millions of Germans have joined rallies and even held weekly vigils in their neighbourh­oods to express their frustratio­n with growing support for far-right populism at the ballot box. The sign reads “Never again 1933,” a reference to the year the Nazis came to power.
MICHAEL PROBST THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO People gather to protest the far-right Alternativ­e for Germany and right-wing extremism in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Millions of Germans have joined rallies and even held weekly vigils in their neighbourh­oods to express their frustratio­n with growing support for far-right populism at the ballot box. The sign reads “Never again 1933,” a reference to the year the Nazis came to power.
 ?? MARKUS SCHREIBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? The head of the Buchenwald Memorial, Jens-Christian Wagner, behind the main gate of the former Nazi concentrat­ion camp in Weimar, Germany. Attacks on the site have stepped up massively in recent months: Wagner says this is because of the “revisionis­t, antisemiti­c and racist slogans” promoted by the far-right Alternativ­e for Germany.
MARKUS SCHREIBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The head of the Buchenwald Memorial, Jens-Christian Wagner, behind the main gate of the former Nazi concentrat­ion camp in Weimar, Germany. Attacks on the site have stepped up massively in recent months: Wagner says this is because of the “revisionis­t, antisemiti­c and racist slogans” promoted by the far-right Alternativ­e for Germany.
 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? When Sabine Thonke joined a recent demonstrat­ion in Berlin against Germany’s far-right party, it was the first time in years she felt hopeful that the growing power of the extremists in her country could be stopped.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS When Sabine Thonke joined a recent demonstrat­ion in Berlin against Germany’s far-right party, it was the first time in years she felt hopeful that the growing power of the extremists in her country could be stopped.

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