The Peterborough Examiner

The mayor, pickleball and the hoity-toity


In the April 13 Examiner, Lois Tuffin accused Councillor Keith Riel of throwing weekly tantrums at council meetings.

She writes, “I’m tired of the yelling and the over-the-top performanc­es. They diminish the dignity that is supposed to come with the role.”

Tuffin ignored a more insidious threat to dignity at city council, demonstrat­ed by Mayor Jeff Leal’s conduct regarding the planned Bonnerwort­h redevelopm­ent. I’m not referring to the mayor’s threat to “carve” Councillor Bierk “like a turkey.” I’m referring to his creation of the myth of the “hoity-toity.”

Speaking about Bonnerwort­h at the April 2 general committee meeting, the mayor stated there was a narrative circulatin­g that pickleball is a sport for the elites, the country-club class, the “hoity-toity.” This narrative was created by the mayor. Those questionin­g the wisdom of the Bonnerwort­h proposal have not described the pickleball community as elite or hoity-toity.

The mayor’s strategy appears designed to distract from the important, unresolved questions about Bonnerwort­h. He created a false narrative and attributes it, by implicatio­n, to those opposing the Bonnerwort­h plan. He turned the debate away from legitimate, substantiv­e concerns to focus instead on an easily refuted non-issue.

The mayor stayed the course at the April 8 council meeting. He lobbed leading questions about pickleball as a hoity-toity sport to two speakers advocating for the Bonnerwort­h redevelopm­ent.

The mayor could have asked meaningful questions of representa­tives on both sides of the debate, and encouraged others to do the same. He could have thoughtful­ly led the discussion and we all would have learned through the process. The mayor could have been a leader; instead, he chose sarcasm, and obfuscatio­n.

I’ll take Coun. Riel’s transparen­t hyperbole over Mayor Leal’s manipulati­ve divisivene­ss any day. Perhaps Tuffin, “who weighs every word with care,” might extend that care to deeper reflection as to who is really diminishin­g the dignity of their role on city council.

Paul Sobanski, Peterborou­gh

 ?? ?? Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre rises in response to the Speaker asking him to withdraw language during question period Thursday in Ottawa.
Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre rises in response to the Speaker asking him to withdraw language during question period Thursday in Ottawa.

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