The Peterborough Examiner

Riel wants personal PR expert to inform citizens

Councillor looking for a hike in expense budget to hire candidate for position


Peterborou­gh’s doing a “sorrowful” job informing citizens about municipal affairs, said Coun. Keith Riel — but he could help that, he said, if he had a budget to hire his own public relations worker.

Although fellow council members largely disagree with him, Riel says he’d like all councillor­s to get an increased expense budget to use as they wish. If he had that extra money — about $4,000 annually — Riel says he’d use it to hire a PR expert to do some work for him.

“We have a terrible communicat­ion problem at city hall,” Riel said in an interview this past week. Fixing it could begin, he added, with him sending out newsletter­s to citizens (with a PR person’s help).

Then the city could also send out notices to neighbours within 300 metres of proposed constructi­on projects — never mind 150 metres, which is the current practice.

Riel said he’s pitched that 300metre idea before, two councils ago (he’s been on council 13 years) but it was voted down. He still puzzles over it. “Why this resistance to telling people what’s going on in their community?” he asked.

However, Mayor Jeff Leal sees no such resistance. He said the city has an “excellent” communicat­ions staff that updates the city website, publishes a summary from council meetings and more.

“But if Coun. Riel has some ideas how we could better utilize some of our existing resources to provide additional informatio­n, into communitie­s where there’s going to be potential changes, let’s have that (conversati­on),” Leal said.

And if councillor­s want to debate an increased expense budget, Leal said, the ideal time to do that is when council hammers out a 2025 city budget, in the fall.

In an interview, Coun. Gary

‘‘ We have a terrible communicat­ion problem at city hall.


Baldwin agreed: “A more robust conversati­on could be had at budget time — that’s the place for it.”

Yet Riel said many citizens are being left in the dark about city plans, in the meantime. For example, he mentions the public meeting March 21 when neighbours of Bonnerwort­h Park were learning — many for the first time — that council is planning to build 16 pickleball courts in the park.

Riel called that meeting “embarrassi­ng.”

“Yelling, screaming … people up on chairs, even staff up on chairs,” he said. No wonder people were angry, Riel said — they were blindsided by the plans.

Riel said he’s “not casting aspersions” on the city’s communicat­ions staff. Rather, he thinks city councillor­s have an unmet responsibi­lity “to get the narrative out there,” regarding planning proposals.

“We have to start telling the public about what the hell is going on,” he said.

For Riel, that would mean a PR person to update his social media accounts. He’d do it himself, he said, but “I don’t have time. I’m a busy guy.”

“I think there’s a communicat­ions problem — and I can do a better job,” he went on. “I just don’t have the time and the money to do it. I need somebody to help.”

How much money would it take? Leal points out that councillor­s already have up to $5,000 they can spend annually on items such as attending conference­s, hosting ward meetings or communicat­ing with citizens.

But council voted at a meeting April 29 to offer an additional $4,000, from the mayor’s office budget, to send Coun. Kevin Duguay to the Federation of Canadian Municipali­ties (FCM) conference in Calgary, in June, so he can run for a board position on the FCM.

Riel said at a committee meeting on April 22 that he thinks all councillor­s ought to get that same budget increase — money he’d use for PR. All councillor­s were asked this past week to weigh in. Coun. Alex Bierk and Coun. Don Vassiliadi­s were unavailabl­e on short timeline, though the rest responded.

Coun. Dave Haacke said in an email that he’d like to occasional­ly send out postcards to highlight unfolding plans in his ward, but that it’s unmanageab­le for him. “I would need some type of help to organize and get it out,” he said.

But his wardmate, Coun. Andrew Beamer, said he wouldn’t support any increase to councillor­s’ expense budgets, and wouldn’t support spending public money on a personal PR worker. “Ultimately, this is taxpayer dollars,” he said in a text message.

Coun. Duguay said in an interview he’s “satisfied” with the expense account, and Coun. Lesley Parnell said in a text message that “we do not need more expense money for publicity, per councillor.”

“That could become very political, self-serving and misused for personal agendas very quickly,” Parnell said.

Coun. Joy Lachica said, also in a text, that “I don’t need to increase the amount of paper (ie: in the form of postcards or newsletter­s) that goes out to constituen­ts.”

Coun. Matt Crowley said in an email that he updates his own social media accounts. “I have no need to hire someone to handle my communicat­ions.”

 ?? CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT EXAMINER FILE PHOTO ?? Coun. Keith Riel says Peterborou­gh is doing a “sorrowful” job of informing citizens about municipal affairs.
CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT EXAMINER FILE PHOTO Coun. Keith Riel says Peterborou­gh is doing a “sorrowful” job of informing citizens about municipal affairs.

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