The Prince George Citizen

Flu message doesn’t add up


What a curious article in the paper stating that it is mandatory that all non-vaccinated people wear a mask when visiting the health unit, hospital and care facilities, while the rest of the article used the word should. My guess is that this is a request and is not mandatory at all.

The article goes on to say that their “goal is to help those at risk of influenza.” With the assumption that the goal is to help people avoid catching the flu, they have certainly created some policies that don’t make any sense.

For example, they said that the best way to help protect people in facilities is to get a flu shot. Well, last year’s flu shot was 23 per cent effective. The year before that was also dismal.

So, by their logic, people coming in to the facility, fully vaccinated, were protecting those people from the flu with an almost useless vaccine.

Further in the article they said that people infected with the flu are contagious for 24 hours before they come down with symptoms. Considerin­g that: • The vaccine covers only three strains, when hundreds of viruses can cause the flu.

• Being vaccinated doesn’t create a protective bubble around the person that got it; viruses can still be on their hands, in their noses and being passed around.

• Vaccinated persons will more likely go to work if they have a more minor illness due to the vaccine working, thereby passing it around.

Then a vaccinated person is just as likely as anyone else to pass on the flu.

So the goal is to protect people from catching the flu. The vaccine was known to be almost useless very early last year.

Why did they not have everyone wearing the mask? The answer is that it is more of a shaming tool than a preventive measure.

Who benefits from the mask? Unfortunat­ely, almost no one, since viruses can pass through the mask within five to 10 minutes, or as soon as their breath makes it wet. The masks they use are also not sealed to the face.

The whole flu ideology is not only not based in science, but not in common sense, either.

When making decisions for my family I must think of benefit versus risk.

Besides the fact that the flu vaccines don’t work most of the time, they are full of some of the most toxic chemicals known to man, some of which accumulate in your brain over your lifetime.

Mandatory vaccines are where this is all heading and it is a slippery slope.

The right to decide what we do and do not put in to our own bodies is being eroded very quickly. Pretty soon the non-vaccinated will be wearing arm bands, if we aren’t careful. The masks are just a baby step. The people in power are far more concerned with making money, than your health, make no mistake. Raylene Anderson

Prince George

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