The Prince George Citizen

Of empathy and domination


I disagree with a remark Mike Maslen made in his Dec. 1 letter in which he says, “Far too much has been made of the perceived threat that Syrians pose to Christians.”

What about the attack on unarmed Canadian soldiers, one of which took place last year at the Canadian War Memorial in Ottawa to Nathan Cirillo, Honor Guard, whose young son of some six- or seven-years-old is now fatherless. Zehaf Bideau, the Muslim, who killed this child’s father then proceeded directly to the Parliament buildings causing MPs to barricade themselves in the rooms they were using.

The armed gunman roamed the corridors shooting his gun at intervals until Kevin Vickers, Sergeant at Arms, was able to stop him from creating any further mayhem.

How would Maslen feel if he had been in Parliament with bullets careening around the halls and not knowing if the shooter would be able to break into the rooms where the MPs were hiding?

A recent article published in the National Post entitled, Stopping the Spread of Terror by Olivier Guitta, the managing director of GlobalStra­t, a security and geopolitic­al risk consulting firm, pointed out the nature of Islam to dominate, and not be dominated, to impose its laws on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.

We already know that Zunera Ishaq insisted that she take part in a Canadian citizenshi­p ceremony dressed in the niqab, with only her eyes exposed. She forced her wishes on Canadian officials, even though others have to show their faces if they want to become a citizen of Canada.

Why are Muslims in the Middle East not helping fellow Muslims to settle in Saudi Arabia, or some other Muslim country where there is no conflict? Would this not be better for them?

Julia Serup Prince George

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