The Prince George Citizen

This dude won’t abide, man



here being only three publishing dates left in anno domini 2017, we the pundits must be judicious as to our final topics.

A topic that I have not written on at all this year is the legalizati­on of marijuana, a process that is to be ready to roll and toke from sea to sea to sea no later than Canada Day 2018. While it would be easier to point out the ironic short sightednes­s of such a rushed plan, I will instead offer here some more substantiv­e munchies for thought. First, pot is not harmless. This is a cold and widely-tested fact. In teens, especially the youngest of them, marijuana is proven to harm brain developmen­t, which results in permanentl­y lower IQs and mood disorders.

Even “infrequent or recreation­al use” will trigger a full psychotic break for those who are predispose­d to schizophre­nia.

If you’d like to learn more, I happen to know a guy on the third floor of UHNBC who’d happily talk with you about the risks of mary-j.

Second, your government is not your friend. One would think that this had become clear over the years post-prohibitio­n, as government­s have become ever more addicted to the taxes on our addictions.

I fully admit to drinking and smoking – I’ve never had the cash to gamble – and I acknowledg­e the destructio­n it can cause. But there’s something wicked about using the “harm prevention” argument while not requiring these same revenues be used for healthcare alone.

Furthermor­e, in the case of gambling, it was only made legal again in this province on the legislativ­e promise that all proceeds would go to charity. Obviously, that trust has long been betrayed. What makes you so certain that any of the taxes from pot will be put to a good use?

Third, say goodbye to the funny little man who brings your B.C. bud. I don’t mix with such company myself, but I’m far more in favour of the local rastafaria­n growing and selling you dope than outsourcin­g it to Monsanto or something worse.

The feds and provinces will grant growing contracts to friends and donors of their parties, and pot will become another tightly regulated agro-product like our holy dairy. All small timers will be busted after legalizati­on, guaranteed.

Fourth, where do you think employers are going to stand on this issue?

Not with the users, that’s for sure.

Legalizati­on is going to create plenty of headaches for bosses and billions of dollars for lawyers as well as insurance actuaries, while everyone tries to get a grip on what qualifies as inebriatio­n vs. residual traces in your blood from recreation­al use.

Currently, “Don’t toke, or don’t get hurt,” is the accepted norm. After legalizati­on, every puff will be up for scrutiny.

Fifth, overarchin­g societal change is always foolish. If we were really the mature adults pot advocates keep saying we are, then by referenda, we’d allocate five to ten communitie­s to do a trial run of legalizati­on after some careful planning.

The idea sounds quaint, but let us recall our current plan – to get everything from growth, to distributi­on, to licensing, to zoning laws done in seven months for a country of 37 million people, spanning no less than half of a continent.

Finally, I want to ask this – can someone please explain to me what’s currently broken?

Did I miss the news flash where our mounted light infantry Sir John A. renamed police are using their jackboots to kick down recreation­al users’ doors without warrants on a daily basis?

As far as I can tell, things have been fair to middlin’ for decades on this file, minus the gross misinforma­tion that the devil’s cabbage is a harmless medicinal plant. With so many other more important things worth fighting for, why is this suddenly the political crusade du jour?

The best “drug movie” of all time remains The Big Lebowski. It’s plot is exactly what we are seeing here: a few well meaning MJ users are being taken for a ride so that the Man can get some free cash.

Like the Dude, it’s time to tell them, “this aggression will not stand, man.”


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