The Prince George Citizen

Ref lection and correction


During the same week our Mr. T in Ottawa continued to belittle faith groups with smarmy one liners regarding abortion, the other Mr. T down in Washington spoke to the March for Life as he celebrated his first year in office.

What a strange world, where the son of progressiv­ism is really a tyrant and the mean-spirited bully defends that most basic of human rights – the right to life, without which liberty, happiness, and security are irrelevant.

Good for you, Mr. President. As we now enter year two of the eight years Mr. Trump will indubitabl­y steer that great republic to our south, the most surprising thing to date is the combinatio­n of outrage and ever more outdated tactics that his opposition – from Congress, to CNN, to campuses – continues to employ.

Far from being the fact checkers, there are now dozens of YouTube personalit­ies that make their living lampooning these same entities for their consistent lack of credible sources.

While I must admit I have no small amount of schadenfre­ude for the anti-Trump crowd, I am driven by pity to give some free advice to such an unsuccessf­ul group of people. Like all moments of struggle, this is a time for reflection and correction. So here are some suggestion­s.

Step one: get woke to the Constituti­on. Despite the document’s bad rap for being the product of an all-male committee, some of whom owned slaves, it remains the bedrock of the American republic and still stands as the single greatest witness to liberty.

The articles are straightfo­rward and you might even learn about how Congress ought to be in charge or how to properly impeach a coercive Executive. Your founders hated tyranny: learn to use their tools.

Step two: dump the social justice warriors. I won’t bother listing the infinite iterations of the SJWs and their insane causes.

What I will say instead is if you truly want real change, you must stop censoring free speech and you must confront the craziest amongst you with the old rule about “doing unto others as you would have done unto you.”

Violence or threats thereof can not be tolerated; don’t attend their rallies, don’t volunteer with them and don’t give them money.

Step three: adopt pragmatic ideas. Identity politics is cannibaliz­ing your base.

The truth is you cannot win without many of the deplorable­s coming to your side and these same people are swing voters based on policies that benefit themselves and their families.

Stop treating them as the enemy and start developing policies around parental leave, labour rights, a lower tax bracket for families, vouchers for medical care and a better loan system for college education.

Step four: get some new blood. If I see one more geriatric, elder boomer, or multi-million dollar self-righteous enviro-zealot mount any platform on behalf of your tent, I will actually begin to cry out of pity.

These people are not your friends, either because they’d die in office or they are so clearly the very worst embodiment of the things you claim to hate that their campaign would be spent entirely on defence. For the “youth” side of politics, your leaders are wizened.

Step five: let sleeping dogs lie. Do you want to know the real difference between a conservati­ve and you people?

The vast majority of us believe in “live and let live,” and “what’s yours is yours, what’s mine is mine.”

Don’t interfere with our churches, our morality, our families, our guns, our money, and even our wackier ideas if they are not clearly harming anyone.

If you leave us alone, you’ll be amazed how little resistance will come your way once in government.

I cannot stress this last point enough, so I’ll put it another way.

As we watch our Mr. T’s terrible misjudgmen­t of linking summer jobs to abortion snowball into an outright boondoggle, let us ponder for a moment why Mr. T in Washington will be returning there in 2020: for both their foibles, one man I can trust to leave me alone; the other is plotting behind his false smile.


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