The Prince George Citizen

Front Page Challenge


Good morning, class. Time for a pop quiz on current events:

believes the answer to school shootings is to arm teachers. You want to tell him:

A) Canadians are no less violent and no less crazy than Americans, yet we have had just five school shootings since 2000 and the U.S. has had more than 200. The only difference is we have gun control and you don’t, Mr. President. Do the math.

B) OK, you thought there were 1.4 million people at your inaugurati­on. If you need help with the math, ask a teacher.

C) If you ask a teacher, don’t make any sudden moves.

D) Math question: If Florida sea levels rise by 1.8 centimetre­s a year, and Mar-a-Lago currently sits two metres above the beach, at what point will you blame Mexico?

you rather be armed with:

A) An AR-15

B) A bottle of gin/Valium C) Adequate classroom funding D) A ground-to-air missile to take down helicopter parents

spokeswoma­n Dana Loesch says some in the mainstream media “love mass shootings” because they are “ratings gold.” In related news:

A) Drug dealers say paramedics “love overdoses” because they’re good for business

B) Fraudsters say the police “love seeing the elderly ripped off” for the same reason

C) Drunk drivers say surgeons “love car crashes”

D) In the days after 2012’s Sandy Hook school shooting the NRA’s membership grew by 100,000 as gun owners, worried about losing their weapons to tighter laws, signed up. In fact, donations to the NRA’s political action committee often spike after such events ($2.7 million after Sandy Hook). Apparently, one group really does profit from mass shootings.

Canada’s intelligen­ce service, Justin Trudeau’s trip to India was derailed by the appearance of a man who once tried to assassinat­e an Indian cabinet minister on Vancouver Island. Who next can we expect to see cozying up for a selfie with the prime minister? A) Dana Loesch

B) Darth Vader

C) Conrad Nickelblac­k

D) The U.S. women’s hockey team

a truce in the Great Wine War of 2018. What happens next?

A) Joint funding of a Peace Arch at the summit of Rogers Pass

B) Blue-helmeted UN observers to police the Golden-to-Banff demilitari­zed zone

C) Saskatchew­an wheat farmers want to know when B.C. food faddists will end their War On Gluten

D) B.C. government extends its 20 per cent foreign-buyers real estate tax to Albertans

hockey, our men’s curling team failed to win a medal and it snowed in Victoria. What other hell-freezes-over impossibil­ity came true?

A) Fireballs rained from the sky B) The Fraser River ran dry C) Purple pigs climbed the trees in Connaught Hill Park and barked at the noon-day moon

D) Justin Trudeau toured Northern B.C. for eight days

care about the Winter Olympics. Now that they’re over, you’re jonesing like an Oxycontin addict. You will try to satisfy your craving by watching:

A) Competitiv­e ice fishing B) Question Period in the legislatur­e

C) Monday Night Foosball

D) The Canucks. Oh lord, no, not the Canucks.

and his coach, who blew .16, were busted in a stolen Hummer at the athlete’s village. Your reaction: A) Glad they didn’t kill anyone B) Are we sure they weren’t Americans?

C) They wanted to beat the cops to the village, but placed eighth

D) Speaking of theft, were you up at 5:30 a.m. to see the Japanese steal the ninth and 10th ends to win the bronze in women’s curling?

- senger’s refusal/inability to control his flatulence led to a mid-air fight that forced a Dubai-Amsterdam flight to make an emergency landing in Vienna. Also, the city of Victoria cancelled its emergency management workshop due to snow.

Which is funnier? Discuss.

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