The Prince George Citizen

Political imbalance could lead to violence


As I sat down to write this week’s missive, I was forced to pause and reflect on both the message as well as the necessary conclusion: a house divided – can it stand? Obviously not. But was anyone but my own base going to hear and accept this?

Have we gone too far down the road of polarizati­on, to the point where any argument from an unfamiliar source is suspect?

I offer the following observatio­ns in sincere hope we have not, but my doubts are still very strong.

Last week it came to light that some federal monies, through the Summer Jobs Program, which has become an intractabl­e religious liberty issue, are paying interns at NGOs that make blocking the oil sands their primary goal.

This might be put several ways, but it means that those who are netcontrib­utors to the treasury, often by the resource industry, especially oil and gas, are having their dollars redistribu­ted to those blocking legally approved and vital infrastruc­ture.

Before tearing this latest insanity apart with the ferocity of a grizzly who’s just had an eco-warrior step between herself and her cubs, I’m going to offer the simplest of inversions: all of the nonsense regarding summer jobs and abortion aside, at base the argument is a kind of left-leaning libertaria­nism – the government may not subsidize religious activity, especially that which marshalls against a legalized and taxpayer subsidized procedure.

No further discussion.

But now we come to the true test of any society, let alone a democratic one: is this rule being applied equally?

Any move, especially by state power, must be examined against the twin axioms – who benefits (qui benefacit) and who suffers (qui patitur)?

These two examples of what qualifies for summer jobs funding could not be more analogous; the only thing that remains are those who will willfully sputter ideologica­l dogma, and those who can see the truth of the matter.

I will now allow myself to unleash my vitriol: to those who will not listen to reason, believing themselves to be above the simplest rules regarding fair play and the equality before the law; to those that talk about justice of any kind but participat­e in this sort of blatant hypocrisy, often with full knowledge and will; and, to those who profit by these wicked stances, political and personal, may God have mercy on your souls because your fellow citizens probably will not.

To be clear, I am not advocating violence. But simultaneo­usly, as it appears this political imbalance will not be resolved properly, I cannot see how violence won’t occur.

I say this again to our overlords and their unwashed vulgar Jacobins (who subscribe to that most ludicrous manifestat­ion of doublethin­k – man is inherently good but we must take his freedom to keep him that way): people who cannot trust the system to be fair will take matters into their own hands.

Canada has been down this path for many years, but much of it did not affect its citizens: government paid court challenges and endless deportatio­n appeals, the taxpayer subsidized soft-leftism everywhere from union lunchrooms to university campuses – all these things were safely sequestere­d from real life.

Those of us who let it happen were wrong to do so – but we thought that with most of the pie and an iota of self-preservati­on, the leftist leviathan would stop.

But this latest manifestat­ion of robbing Peter to pay Paul to kick Peter in the ribs is not at all funny – it’s an agenda, one that’s hitting real people in their wallets, homes and workplaces.

I cannot stress this enough to the godless commies I’m addressing, so I’ll say it again: the only thing keeping your opponents from violence is the fact that they’re too busy with the lives and families they support through their jobs – continue to threaten them and you’ll see what happens.

We are not immune from the chaos and violence that has broken out in several places in the United States over similar issues.

If we can’t learn to compromise, all hell will break loose.

I cannot stress this enough to the godless commies I’m addressing, so I’ll say it again: the only thing keeping your opponents from violence is the fact that they’re too busy with the lives and families they support through their jobs...


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