The Prince George Citizen

Fishermen stopped by U.S. border agents

- Alison AULD Citizen news service

An American fishermen plying disputed lobster grounds off the East Coast says he too has been stopped and questioned by U.S. Border patrol agents, much like his Canadian counterpar­ts who complained they were being targeted in the same area near Machias Seal Island.

John Drouin of Cutler, Maine, said Friday that he was out about two weeks ago when U.S. patrol agents came alongside his boat in the so-called Grey Zone to him to ask where he was from and to see his paperwork.

The veteran fisherman said he was slightly bemused by the encounter, having rarely seen patrol boats in the area over four decades of fishing the rich lobster grounds, something Canadian fishermen also said was a new and unusual phenomenon.

“They asked me for a driver’s licence and identifica­tion and I kind of chuckled – I said I’m not driving my vehicle, so I don’t have my licence,” he said in an interview from his home.

“We are in a different time and Border Patrol is patrolling... Their presence is a lot more visible.”

The 53-year-old fisherman, who has seen a patrol boat only once or twice over the last many years, said he asked the agents what they were doing and said he was told only that they were there to “document who was in the area.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in an email late Thursday that agents were enforcing “immigratio­n laws and other violations of federal law that they may encounter in the course of their duties during the operation in June.”

Drouin said his two sons were also recently stopped when they were fishing in the contentiou­s area around Machias Seal Island, which is about 19 kilometres southwest of Grand Manan Island and east of Maine. It is in a disputed area known as the Grey Zone, where lobster fishermen from both Canada and the United States have long fished side by side.

Drouin, a member of Maine’s lobster advisory council, said he witnessed three other vessels that were also stopped and questioned, and has seen several Border Patrol vessels in the area over the last month.

“I honestly do not know what’s going on,” he said, adding that a directive to patrol the area may be linked to a broader culture change with the election of U.S. President Donald Trump. “We’re in a different time. We know he’s doing a wonderful job pissing off the rest of the world.”

A Canadian fishermen’s group said this week that over the last two weeks at least 10 fishing boats from New Brunswick have been intercepte­d by U.S. patrol agents while fishing.

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