The Prince George Citizen

Fertilizin­g 101: it’s not as complicate­d as you think

- Lee REICH Citizen news service

Every garden needs periodic fertilizat­ion. “Designer” fertilizer­s are available for some kinds of plants, and so are fertilizer­s that you’re directed to apply at specified times throughout the season. So roses get their rose food, tomatoes get their tomato food, and so on, on schedule.

All this effort might make you feel good, but isn’t really necessary for your plants. Feeding plants can be very simple.

For example, forget about all the machinatio­ns of getting fertilizer deep into the soil to feed the roots, as is sometimes recom- mended. Plants’ feeder roots are mostly in the top few inches of soil, so just sprinkle fertilizer on the surface or, at most, scratch it into the surface. Rain, time and earthworms will put the nutrients where they belong.

If rainfall is insufficie­nt – and that means a good soaking, enough to fill a straight-sided container an inch or more deep with water – then turn on the sprinkler for a while.

Fertilizer recommenda­tions often call for fertilizin­g two or more times each growing season.

In fact, most chemical (or synthetic) fertilizer­s must be applied in small doses throughout the season. These chemicals dissolve quickly in the soil, so can wash away or burn plant roots if a season’s worth is applied all at once.

You can get by with a single applicatio­n of chemical fertilizer if you use a type specially formulated to release its nutrients into the soil at a slow rate. Such fertilizer­s usually are called slow release or controlled release fertilizer­s.

Most organic fertilizer­s, which are derived from natural minerals, plants or animals, are either slowly soluble in water or release their nutrients as they are gobbled up by soil microorgan­isms.

In either case, nutrients are bled slowly into the ground, the practical effect of which is that you only need to apply the fertilizer once per season.

Bagged or homemade compost is a special slow-release fertilizer.

It’s relatively low in nutrients (so low that it can’t be legally called a fertilizer). But besides offering plants food, it also improves the soil for aeration and moisture retention, and supports a wide variety of pest-fighting and otherwise beneficial microorgan­isms. A layer of an inch or two laid down annually will provide a feast for your plants.

In fact, any bulky organic material – wood chips, straw or wood shavings, for example – laid on the ground as mulch will, as it decomposes, enrich the soil with nutrients (and provide some of the same benefits as compost). But the benefits will accrue at a much slower rate. Your plants might be hungrier for a more immediate feeding.

For an organic fertilizer with less bulk, use some type of seed meal such as cottonseed or soybean meal, available at garden centres and feed stores.

As much as fertilizer is needed in a garden, too much can be as damaging as not enough, rendering plants susceptibl­e to pests and burnt roots, even killing plants. Follow applicatio­n directions.

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