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work on the Lower Churchill project, the developmen­t of a hydroelect­ric generating facility in Labrador.

When he applied for the job, Tizzard had a medical prescripti­on permitting him to consume up to 1.5 grams of cannabis with THC levels of up to 22 per cent each day. He suffered from pain associated with Crohn’s disease and osteoarthr­itis.

Valard hired Tizzard on the condition that he successful­ly complete a pre-employment drug and alcohol test.

Shortly after learning that Tizzard had a prescripti­on for medical marijuana (and failed the test), Valard retained an independen­t medical expert and sought medical informatio­n from Tizzard.

After considerin­g the medical informatio­n and following months of discussion with Tizzard’s union, Valard declined to employ him because of workplace safety concerns.


The issue before arbitrator Roil was whether Valard had failed to accommodat­e Tizzard’s disability by not providing him with a job.

The arbitrator first considered whether the labourer positions at Valard in which Tizzard was interested were safety-sensitive. He had no difficulty determinin­g that the positions were inherently hazardous because it was clear on the evidence that the job sites had harsh weather conditions and difficult terrain.

Arbitrator Roil was satisfied that Valard did not have nonsafety-sensitive positions in its operations. He was also satisfied that Tizzard had explored other medication options to alleviate his pain, but none of those options had been successful. The arbitrator was thus left with the question of whether Tizzard could work safely as a labourer while consuming medical marijuana.

Relying exclusivel­y on expert testimony and medical literature, the arbitrator concluded that the impairing effects of cannabis can last up to 24 hours after use, and there was no readily available testing resource in the province at that time to allow an employer to adequately and accurately measure impairment from cannabis following daily or regular use.

Highlighti­ng the unknowns around impairment while on the job and the applicable occupation­al health and safety legislatio­n, the arbitrator concluded that Valard should not be required to assume the safety risk.

He ruled that the inability to measure Tizzard’s impairment posed an unmeasurab­le safety hazard and accordingl­y amounted to undue hardship for the employer.


• Evidence remains key. To win at arbitratio­n, employers must be able to speak to the safety-sensitive nature of a particular position and perhaps the business and industry as a whole. Expert medical evidence on the impairing effects of cannabis may be required.

• Residual effects of cannabis use can last up to a full day. While the scientific research is ongoing, there is evidence that the impairing effects of cannabis can last up to 24 hours after use. Indeed, in a position statement released recently, the Occupation­al and Environmen­tal Medical Associatio­n of Canada stated it is “not advisable to operate motor vehicles or equipment or engage in other safety-sensitive tasks for 24 hours following cannabis consumptio­n or for longer if impairment persists.”

• Employee self-reporting on cannabis use and its effects is unreliable. The arbitrator in this case gave short shrift to Tizzard’s self-reporting on the impact of cannabis consumptio­n on his level of functionin­g. It can be inferred that adjudicato­rs will be likely to reject medical evidence based on similar self-reporting.

• Inability to accurately measure impairment may amount to undue hardship. The arbitrator’s approach to the undue hardship analysis is compelling because it errs (quite rightly) on the side of caution and tips the balance in favour of workplace safety.

James D. Kondopulos is a founding member and partner at the employment and labour law

boutique of Roper Greyell LLP. Bobby Sangha is an articled student at Roper Greyell LLP. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this article, you are urged to seek specific advice on matters of

concern. The article is for general informatio­n purposes only and does

not constitute legal advice.

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