The Prince George Citizen

How to remove stains from leather furniture


Did your kids scribble all over your leather sofas with markers? Has the blue dye from your new pair of jeans bled onto your couch? Did someone spill a glass of red wine on your favourite armchair? Don’t panic! There are several ways to remove stains from leather furniture.

First and foremost, it’s important to note that most non-greasy stains easily disappear when lightly dabbed at with a moist cloth. Act quickly and make sure to use a light-coloured fabric to clean with certain colours bleed, which would only make things worse.

Still seeing the stain? Trade in your cloth for a cotton ball dipped in makeup remover and lightly dab that pesky spot. If you’re trying to get rid of an alcohol or a soot stain, add a few drops of vinegar to your cotton ball. As for coffee, tea, dye and ink, a drop of rubbing alcohol should do the trick.


Leather reacts poorly to moisture. For this reason, don’t let it get too wet during the stain removal process, and make sure to dry the surface thoroughly with a clean cloth after you’ve dealt with the stain. It’s also important to avoid scrubbing at all costs, opting instead for a delicate dabbing technique. Lastly, always spot test stain removal products on a non-visible area before using them to avoid accidental damage.

When in doubt, call upon a profession­al cleaner who’ll know how to remove even the most stubborn of stains from your leather furniture. What’s more, you can always contact the manufactur­er for personaliz­ed cleaning advice.

 ??  ?? Remember to always dab, not scrub, a stained leather surface.
Remember to always dab, not scrub, a stained leather surface.

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