The Province




These days, it’s hard to imagine Henrik and Daniel Sedin playing with anyone but Alex Burrows (other than the briefest of forays with Byron Bitz, of course).

But it’s interestin­g to see how it started, back in the final third of the 2008-’09 season.

At ourwhite towel blog, Jim Jamieson takes us back three seasons — has it really only been that long that Burrows has played with the twins? And here’s what’s fascinatin­g: Before Burrows hooked up with the Sedins, they’d had a number of winger partners that season.

Seven, to be exact. Yes, you read that right. Seven. Jamieson has more at thewhiteto­wel.

ca and at provincesp­ This morning, at the White Towel, you’ll also find Tony Gallagher with the post-Canucks-predators Hat Trick — three things he’s thinking about, looking back and looking ahead. Tuesday’s Province Sports podcast was a beauty: Writer Ben Kuzma sitting down with sports editor Jonathan Mcdonald to talk about the Canucks.

But it wasn’t the same old stuff. The daily grind. No, Kuzma and Mcdonald tackled some other issues: Who are the three most driven players on the team? Who’s the guy Kuzma would most like to have a beer with — and who’s the guy who’d most likely join Kuzma for a beer? Who’s the guy who most enjoys talking to the media — and the one who abhors it?

Check out the Province Sports podcast on itunes or at theprovinc­

podcast. And tune in this afternoon for the latest instalment, when hockey writer Jim Jamieson joins Mcdonald.

Will Frankie Edgar cement his place atop the lightweigh­t division? Can Benson Henderson continue his impressive run and claim championsh­ip gold? Is Japan set to become an annual stop for the UFC?

E. Spencer Kyte addresses these three questions — and two more — as his UFC 144 Fight Week continues.

Check out all of ESK’S Keyboard Kimura posts at theprovinc­ or provincesp­

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