The Province

Dad’s remarks rile Adele


There’s a story circulatin­g about Adele and it’s not about how she cleaned up at this year’s Grammy Awards.

Adele’s estranged father, Mark Evans, sold a tell-all interview to UK paper The Sun last year, and in Adele’s recent Vogue cover story, she shared her reaction.

“I was actually ready to start trying to have a relationsh­ip with him,” Adele told the fashion mag of her father, but added that “he’s f—ing blown it.”

According to various outlets, Evans has rarely been in touch with Adele for the last 10 years. He and her mother split when she was a toddler.

“It makes me angry! To come back after 10 years and be like, ‘Maybe her problem with men comes down to me.’ It’s like, ‘f— off! How dare you comment on my life?’ It makes my blood boil,” Adele said in the interview.

“There’s consequenc­es other than just getting a bit of f—ing money that lasts you half a year,” she said. “It blows my mind. ‘I love her so much.’ (he told the paper) Really? Why are you telling me that through a newspaper? If I ever see him I will spit in his face.”

Evans responded to his estranged daughter’s remarks via UK newspaper The Daily Mail: “I can’t believe she said that. It’s devastatin­g. I don’t know where it’s coming from.”

He added that he last spoke with his daughter over the holidays, phoning to wish her a merry Christmas.

“I called to tell her I was thinking of her, but it was a very brief call. She was very busy, but everything seemed OK between us.”

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