The Province

Three surprising ways to dodge type 2 diabetes


When Agatha Christie’s play, Black Coffee, debuted, reviewers found the antics of her Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, were “neither a strong stimulant nor a powerful enemy of sleep.” Seven decades later, a stiff cuppa Joe has earned greater respect: It actually has Herculean powers.

We’ve been saying for years that a filtered cup has blood-vessel-loving, brain-enhancing, headache-defeating powers and more! And now we know sipping four cups of coffee throughout the day reduces your risk for type 2 diabetes by 50 per cent.

How does coffee do that? Turns out, it’s more than the caffeine that fends off high blood sugar; other chemicals in the brew stop damage to the building blocks of diabetes-preventing proteins. True, coffee can have side effects: anxiety, migraine headaches, abnormal heartbeats, gastric upset. If you get these, cut back on the Joe so the risks don’t outweigh the benefits.

Another way to fight type 2: SLEEP! So don’t drink that coffee late!

Just three weeks of inadequate sleep slows your metabolism and decreases insulin secretion (the hormone that controls blood sugar).

That’s a formula for diabetes. What you need: seven to eight hours a night, every night, and be consistent with your bedtime.

The third smart step: Eliminate products made with hormone-disrupting, diabetes-triggering phthalates. The worst offender is dibutyl phthalate (DBP), also ID’D as “butyl ester” or “plasticize­r.” How to avoid? It’s in cosmetics and nail polish, kids’ toys and more. If there isn’t an ingredient label telling you it’s phthalates-free, pass it by.

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