The Province


REVIEW: Flight star Denzel Washington gives life to flawed character Whip Whitaker


Robert Zemeckis knows the value of spectacle. As one of Steven Spielberg’s acolytes from the sect of special effects, the Oscar-winning director of Forrest Gump understand­s how excited we moviegoers get over a mind-blowing montage that resembles a real disaster.

In Cast Away, he also learned you can front-load that spectacle in the first 20 minutes of the reel and then coast for hours with a character-driven denouement featuring little more than a man and a volleyball.

Flight shares the same cinematic fuselage as Cast Away as it kicks off with an eye-popping plane crash that sets the rest of the plot in motion, but this survival story takes place on a decidedly different deserted isle.

Flight is a story of personal exile and salvation, and the stakes are that much higher because all the real drama takes place within the heart and soul of our central character, Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington).

Whip is a former Navy pilot—a fact made bare in the opening sequence as we pan over his military tattoo as he lies, post-coital, in the bed of an airport hotel. His roommate is a very attractive woman who resists clothing (Nadine Velasquez), and for a brief moment, the whole love nest has a very sketchy look.

Drugs and booze litter the upscale surroundin­gs, but when the two suit up for work donning flight crew uniforms, the notion of consequenc­e bulldozes into the frame.

To overcome the liquor-induced grogginess, Whip snorts a line of cocaine seconds before boarding the aircraft. Once he’s strapped in, he pours three bottles of vodka into his Minute Maid and grabs the throttle.

Clearly, Whip is not your standard hero. He’s a weak man who surrendere­d to a stiff addiction years ago, but so far, he’s functional. In fact, he’s so accustomed to operating under the influence, that when the aircraft begins to experience mechanical trouble, Whip immediatel­y switches into fast-acting survival mode.

Without a single tremor or moment of hesitation, Whip battles for control of the plummeting jetliner. Every siren and alarm is blasting through the cockpit, but Whip is calm and collected as he tries everything under the sun to pull up.

It’s no use. The only way to stop the death drop is to turn the plane upside down, which he does. Seconds later, the plane is on the ground in pieces and Whip is taken to the hospital alongside the other survivors.

The news outlets herald Whip as a real hero for pulling off the impossible, but when the toxicology report shows Whip was drunk and high, the very word “hero” becomes suspect.

Can Whip still be a hero if he was under the influence? Even though everyone around him agrees the feat was nothing short of miraculous, should a drunken pilot get off the hook because he saved the day?

This is where Zemeckis places the dramatic emphasis. It’s also where the movie loses altitude because every bone in our communal body yearns for Washington to be a hero.

The Oscar-winning actor embodies the very essence of the heroic stereotype: manly, muscular, intelligen­t, human and just a little cocky. The same could be said of the role itself as Whip Whitaker seems to be a loose interpreta­tion of Sully Sullenberg­er, the real-life pilot who landed a crippled jet safely on the Hudson.

We want Whip to be celebrated, but Zemeckis wants us to question heroism naysayers and pragmatic advisers to tease out the moral tangle.

Don Cheadle plays the smarmy lawyer who will kill off the toxicology report, Bruce Greenwood plays the fellow pilot and union representa­tive looking to save his buddy — as well as pilot jobs — and John Goodman plays the ponytailed drug dealer.

Where Tom Hanks was given an inflatable ball and a figure skate to chisel out his heroic denouement in Cast Away, Washington’s big moment amounts to an epic staredown with the bar fridge.

Of course, we are rooting for Whip every step a long the way because he’s Washington, and he is an actor who is watchable in anything.

Even when Whip is at his worst, we’re pulled into his wake because we can feel the swirling emotions beneath the surface. That’s Washington doing that, not the deeply flawed script by John Gatins that drags this movie off-course more than once.

By the end of the reel, even the spectacula­r crash sequence feels a little cheap because Zemeckis fails to use any of the big tricks to great effect. The only thing that truly works is Washington. Even with film flaps down and a dead cinematic engine, Washington has enough thespian throttle to keep Flight in the air for the duration, and land it safely on the tarmac of expectatio­n.

 ?? — AP PHOTO ?? From the left, Bruce Greenwood, Denzel Washington and Don Cheadle star in the thriller Flight.
— AP PHOTO From the left, Bruce Greenwood, Denzel Washington and Don Cheadle star in the thriller Flight.

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