The Province

Yukon power trio making some inroads

- with Stuart Derdeyn

dream Speed — Control total world is a power domination trio with and a putting Whitehorse, Yukon, on the map as a hotbed of parka punk. It’s an ambitious goal, but the three musicians are driven like the Arctic snow to pile up tour miles and make inroads into the Canadian deep south.

The band is touring 18 shows in 17 days, trying to play everywhere possible. Check the latest on their “rawkopera,” the Busker and the Barista, at speedcontr­ and hear them at reverbnati­­ol. Guitarist/singer/comedian Graeme Peters answered some questions.

Q: Who are Speed Control?

A: Speed Control is a power trio from the Yukon consisting of Graeme Peters (guitar, vocals), Jody Peters (bass, vocals) and Ian March (drums). We have two albums ... The first, The A.D.D. Sides, was released in 2010 and the second album, Speed Control F.A.B., was released in August 2012 and was produced by David J. Taylor.

What is it like being a band from Whitehorse in terms of touring?

Sometimes being from the Yukon is the greatest thing in the world because it makes people turn their heads and say, “Holy crap, the Yukon.” Sometimes it’s super hard because you can’t really tell a promoter you have all that much draw in an area where no one has heard of you. So it can be tough to get the gigs.

Worst gig/best gig?

Worst gig: Peterborou­gh, Ontario — Ian had food poisoning and was puking between songs, and the bartender kept requesting us to play Nickelback and when we said “No” for the fourth time he paid us to stop playing! Best Gig: PGX, the Prince George Exhibition — I bought the sound guy and the light guys like three beers and told them to go crazy and give us as many lights and smoke machine as possible. We ended up unable to see our tuners.

Read the full interview at blogs. theprovinc­

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