The Province

Sweating together boosts your libido


You and your spouse have vowed to stick with each other “through sickness and in health,” but today let’s focus on the health part.

We know that partners who play together, stay together. Just look at Reese Witherspoo­n and Jim Toth; they’re often photograph­ed jogging together — sometimes with the kids! And Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf have played together both on and off the court for the past 10 years.

Seems when you and your true love share sweat (from exercise, we mean), you build strong emotional bonds along with strong muscles. Working out with your partner demonstrat­es that you care about his or her physical health as well as your own; it lets him or her know that you like to spend time together; and it builds trust and interdepen­dence as you both work to expand your endurance and physical abilities.

Another plus: When you and your honey work out together, you’re more likely to stick with the exercise routine, whether it’s walking, biking, golfing or swimming, and to make lasting lifestyle upgrades in other areas, too eating better, not smoking and becoming less stressed.

But if those aren’t reasons enough to form an exercise duo, listen up!

Exercise stimulates the production of make-you-happy brain chemicals and increases your libido and your feelings of arousal. That’s right: Couples who exercise together regularly report better and more frequent sex.

Hey, putting out a little effort together can give you improved overall health and a better sex life, too! What’s not to like? So repeat after us: “Honey, grab your sneakers!”

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