The Province

BRIDGE with Tannah Hirsch


West was Augustin Madala, a brilliant young player from Argentina, now living in Italy and playing on the top Italian team.

North’s double is a bit curious, perhaps just showing values. He leaped to game at his second turn expecting his side club fit to be a bonus. Was it enough?

South won the opening spade lead in dummy and played a club to his ace. Madala realized that he would be endplayed if he ruffed this, so he discarded a spade. Had he ruffed, he would have had to continue with the trump king. South’s trump continuati­on would force Madala to play spades or diamonds giving away the contract in either case. Declarer now cashed the ace of trumps and Madala, fearing the same endplay, followed with the trump queen! Declarer played a low trump from hand and Madala ducked his king, continuing his same defense, which was basically praying for a miracle. When East was able to win this trick with the jack, Madala’s prayers had been answered! East quickly shifted to the queen of diamonds and the contract was defeated with two diamond tricks and two trump tricks.

Madala’s defense was brilliant, but could declarer have done better? South fell on his own sword when he played a club at trick two. Instead, he should have led the 10 of trumps from dummy, running it if East played low. Ace and another trump later would endplay Madala. Should East cover the 10 with the jack, declarer wins and continues trumps. There is nothing Madala can do to avoid the endplay short of giving away one of his trump tricks, and the contract would come home.

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