The Province

Some players have stories to tell if asked

MEDIA: While boilerplat­e and clichés are common, reporters never know where an exchange will lead

- Scott Stinson

After the last practice before the Toronto Maple Leafs opened the season against the Montreal Canadiens, James van Riemsdyk sat in front of his locker-room stall.

He was asked about the Leafs-Habs rivalry. He responded with boilerplat­e. The phrase “we have to take things one game at a time,” was used, and not with irony. Crash Davis would have been proud.

It happens. Scrums with athletes are often similarly bereft of insight.

Last weekend, after the CFL East semifinal between the Montreal Alouettes and the B.C. Lions, Brandon Rutley sat in front of his stall while a few reporters waited for him to finish a phone call to his girlfriend. The Als’ running back was in tears, his still-taped left hand wiping away the moisture as he talked. The call over, he stood up, sniffled, and talked about how much the game — he ran for almost 100 yards in his first real action all season — meant to him.

He had been trying for four years to do something like this, he said. A day earlier, after practice, Rutley said he had scraped the last of his money together to make it to a CFL freeagent camp. The Alouettes signed him, then cut him in August. He only made it back to the practice roster when the starter was hurt a couple weeks later.

It was a raw human moment: a 31-year-old who had the day of his career, not long from when it looked to be over.

Such exchanges are rare, but they are worth noting when, as has happened again this week, the narrative develops that the media shouldn’t bother seeking comment from athletes because “they never say anything anyway.” The thing is, sometimes they do.

Phil Kessel is not one of those athletes who does. He sparked the latest discussion of media access to players with his terse “get away from me” blow-off of TSN Radio reporter Jonas Siegel after a humiliatin­g loss to the Buffalo Sabres on Saturday night. Former Leafs GM Brian Burke then offered that Kessel shouldn’t have to talk to the “pukes” in the press every day anyway.

It is unclear if by pukes he meant specifical­ly the Toronto media of which he can now safely ignore, or also those reporters in Calgary, where he now works. If so, awkward.

But Kessel is hardly pursued by a rabid mob that never gives him a moment’s pause. He often slips out of the locker-room before reporters are allowed in, or otherwise manages to be unavailabl­e. The Kessel Run: not just an obscure Star Wars reference. From what I’ve seen, this is generally fine with the local media. There are other players on the Leafs who are happy to talk, and no reporter has ever filed a story that hinged on a piece of insight from Kessel. It just isn’t his thing.

So, no, it shouldn’t be a franchise enveloping crisis when the Leafs sniper occasional­ly refuses to offer up his bland pronouncem­ents, but nor is it the case that media should give up on the notion of the pre or post-game comment. Athletes are no different than politician­s, with whom I have some experience, in terms of an aversion to meaningful discussion. The key difference is that players can just say nothing, while politician­s will say it by using as many words as possible. Few would dispute that the vast majority of reporter-politician exchanges are not particular­ly fruitful, but no one argues that the media give up asking those questions.

Often questions are posed that seem utterly wasted — “will you ask that minister to resign?” — because everyone knows the answer will be negative, but there is value, too, in having that on the record. Sometimes they say things that are unexpected, too. There was no politician in recent memory who had developed a more pointless relationsh­ip with the press than Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, whose ability to not answer questions — “anything else?” — was a thing to behold. And then one day last spring, he announced that he had, in fact, tried crack cocaine. He even had to prompt reporters to ask him about it. Sometimes, the routine scrum changes the story forever.

It is highly unlikely that Phil Kessel will offer the sports equivalent of that moment — “ask me that thing you keep asking me about whether I want to see the coach get fired” — but at some point he might say something surprising.

That’s really the point. The media doesn’t know ahead of time what exchanges will provide useful informatio­n. You have to see where it leads you. And, yes, though politician­s are elected representa­tives and athletes are not, both answer in a way to a paying public. Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch has been dinged with US$100,000 in fines this week for not talking to the press, precisely because the NFL is aware that access to the media, and by extension to the public, is part of the deal.

Joffrey Lupul, one of the chattier Leafs, earlier this season said he knew players on opposing teams who looked forward to playing in Toronto because all it took was an early goal to get the crowd to turn on the home team. But he also dismissed the notion Toronto was unique in that way.

“I played in Philly,” he said, grinning.

Both comments, from the same scrum, gave some first-hand insight into topics endlessly debated in Toronto. Useful, in other words.

At other times, access to players can result in stories that couldn’t otherwise be told: Shea Weber discussing the mechanics of his booming shot, or Ray Allen describing how his last-second three-pointer that saved the Miami Heat’s 2013 season unfolded.

Sometimes, players have stories to tell. There’s no harm in asking.

 ?? — GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Claude Giroux of the Philadelph­ia Flyers is approached by the media following a 2-1 win over Buffalo Sabres. Dealing with the media is part and parcel of playing profession­al sports.
— GETTY IMAGES FILES Claude Giroux of the Philadelph­ia Flyers is approached by the media following a 2-1 win over Buffalo Sabres. Dealing with the media is part and parcel of playing profession­al sports.
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