The Province

Million new residents will only make MD shortage worse


Re: Still waiting for a family doctor. Nowhere in the article does it mention that our leaders propose to increase the population of Metro Vancouver by one million and what that impact will have on finding a doctor or getting into a hospital.

Also, nowhere was it mentioned that an English-speaking doctor has less of a chance emigrating to Canada than a non-Englishspe­aking unskilled worker. A doctor wanting to come to Canada is put through hoops, having to rewrite exams at his or her expense. It appears that those at the top of the social ladder in B.C. are protected from competitio­n, while others are considered racist, xenophobic malcontent­s for even hinting that our current immigratio­n policies have locals scrambling for minimum-wage jobs.

Is it not time that we re-evaluated what is best for the average person in B.C.?

Victoria Joss, Vancouver

Langley finds family doctors

We have a great project here in Langley. Before discharge, physicians at the Langley Maternity Clinic link families of mother’s with a new baby to a physician in our community after they deliver their infant.

This way we ensure every new mother who delivers at Langley Memorial Hospital has a family physician in the community. I am lucky to work and live in such a great community.

Shannon Whieldon, RN, Langley

Plan won’t help drivers

The Mayor’s Council has finally posted its transporta­tion plan, 46 pages single spaced. The few people who actually read this will discover that road capacity will not be increased, there is no funding for a new Pattullo Bridge, which will be paid for by tolls. The planners think 2,700 kilometres of bike paths carrying three cyclists per hour are the solution.

The plan, which says congestion will improve very little from these investment­s, will rely on road and bridge tolls.

Our politician­s have been saying the opposite of the now-published plan. Before anyone can vote Yes, we will need more integrity from our leaders.

Fred Nolte, Vancouver

Report shows Ladner wrong

In his recent letter to the editor, Peter Ladner of the Better Transit and Transporta­tion Coalition accused columnist Gordon Clark of swallowing whole “an emotional, anecdotal misreprese­ntation of the full picture of what TransLink does and how well it is managed.”

In fact, in late 2011, the TransLink Commission engaged Shirocca Consulting to analyze, review and comment on TransLink’s efficiency, productivi­ty and effectiven­ess. It found that TransLink has higher costs and lower cost efficiency and effectiven­ess than most of its Canadian peers.

The report says TransLink “needs to become more cost-focused by placing higher priority on frugality and productivi­ty in its decision-making criteria.”

Having Ladner as a spokesman for the Yes vote to supposedly decrease traffic congestion is laughable. He lives next to Point Grey Road and was one of the main proponents of closing that road to vehicles, a move that doubled traffic on neighbouri­ng streets. Ladner is hypocritic­al; he claims now to favour reducing congestion, yet had no problem with increasing traffic by 10,000 cars a day through school zones in his community as long as it meant less traffic on his street.

Randy Brophy, Vancouver

Drought planning needed

Due to severe drought, California is on water restrictio­ns for the first time. Why are we not planning now for the possibilit­y that we are heading the same way? The B.C. government is happy to practicall­y give our water away. In Vancouver, when water is restricted, you can only water your lawn depending on your address, yet wash your car all day if you want. There is something wrong here. Doug Marsden, Vancouver

 ?? RIC ERNST/PNG FILES ?? Dr. Mitchell Fagan and nurse practition­er Carrie Murphy work in an innovative medical practice in Langley.
RIC ERNST/PNG FILES Dr. Mitchell Fagan and nurse practition­er Carrie Murphy work in an innovative medical practice in Langley.

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