The Province

Chia, flax and sunflower the top seeds in everyday life


While the usual suspects Kentucky, Duke, Wisconsin and Villanova universiti­es landed the top seeds in this year’s March Madness, smart oddsmakers kept an eye out for a Gonzaga-type emergence of an unexpected seed.

And you should do the same! The top unexpected seeds that deliver a slam dunk for your ongoing health and help you achieve a younger RealAge? Chia, flax and sunflower.

Chia seeds: Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 linolenic acid (heart-, skin- and romance-friendly), more calcium (ounce for ounce) than milk, plus phytonutri­ents, vitamins and minerals. For the most benefit, choose ground whole chia seeds. They can boost blood levels of omega-3 alphalinol­enic acid by 58.4 per cent and eicosapent­aenoic acid by 38.6 per cent, compared with eating the whole seed. Sprinkle them over salads and add to soups and casseroles.

Flax seeds: Flax seeds deliver protein, fibre, phytonutri­ents, phytoestro­gens and omega-3 fatty acids. Health Canada has verified the claim that ground whole flax seed helps lower total and, specifical­ly, lousy LDL cholestero­l. They say 2 tablespoon­s a day supplies 40 per cent of what’s needed to bring it all down court! Bake into 100 per cent whole-wheat bread and add to soups and smoothies.

Sunflower seeds: They’re the third seed, because although they deliver healthy fats, protein, fibre, phenolic acids and lots of phytostero­ls, which block absorption of cholestero­l in the intestines, they also contain choline, and we don’t want you getting too much of that. These you can snack on whole.

Call it a slam dunk or swish — bet on these seeds, and you’ll be moving up in your bracket.

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