The Province

Real problem is government attitudes to spending

- Gordon Clark Gordon Clark is a columnist and the editorial pages editor.

For large chunks of my life since I was 15, I have owned sailboats. For the most part, they were inexpensiv­e dinghies — a Laser, a Fireball, a Hobie 16 — lest anyone get the idea that I am some sort of silver-spoon-in-his-mouth, yacht-club snob.

For a few years before I met my wife, I owned a small keelboat and then a used, 1970s-vintage Ericson 35 that I could only afford by living aboard in Coal Harbour.

After we got married, bought a house, had our first kid and faced looming, frightenin­g daycare costs, it quickly became apparent that the boat had to go. It was a sad day 18 years ago when we sold the Artful Dodger, which had carried us on our honeymoon and other trips, but we mostly felt relief at ridding ourselves of the expense. With the exception of the Hobie, we haven’t had a boat since, even though I love sailing, which has always appealed to my sense of adventure and love of learning.

As a kid, sailing my dinghies in English Bay was not only an insane amount of fun and poetic — the hum of the hull when you get the trim set just right — it also quietly taught me about responsibi­lity, especially when I had passengers, and about making sound decisions.

When I was a little older, the larger boats allowed me to explore B.C.’s gloriously beautiful coast and led me to learn about weather, navigation and even maritime law and history.

So why don’t we own a sailboat now, given all this passion? In short, because we can’t afford it, in the same way that thousands of other working people in Metro Vancouver can’t afford things that they’d love to own or experience but don’t have enough money for.

We have mortgages and rents to pay, kids to support and the seemingly endless surprise pop-up costs of life like broken transmissi­ons or washing machines that finally die. The basics, especially in ridiculous­ly expensive Metro Vancouver, must always be paid first and so people, responsibl­e people, anyway, stick to their budgets, look for deals and, when necessary, make due with what they have.

It’s maddening that government­s don’t do the same and it’s the unspoken reason that they are all in debt and why so many chronicall­y run deficits.

Individual­s generally make tough spending decisions and act frugally because they have well-defined incomes. No matter how much I’d like to own a cruising sailboat, for example, I can’t go to my boss and force him to increase my income. Neither can companies in the private sector. They can only spend what their revenues will allow.

People in government should think this way but mostly do not. When they decide they want to spend more money than they have, they simply run deficits or, as is the case with the current TransLink tax plebiscite, try to hit us with a new tax.

They do it because they can, unless they know the move would be political suicide or, in the case of the current tax vote, we rise up and tell them no.

Another aspect of the current TransLink vote that doesn’t get discussed enough is whether — no matter how necessary more transporta­tion infrastruc­ture may be — we can afford the mayors’ plan or if what they claim we need will be built in the most cost-effective way. Given the way government generally spends money, I doubt they will.

The problem with government spending, generally, is that officials have a very different attitude to spending other people’s money — our taxes — than they do to spending their own money or the way private citizens and private-sector companies spend money that they have to earn.

If you don’t have to make a dollar and can force others to give one to you, it’s very easy to spend it.

The Senate expenses scandal is but one current example, but the problem also explains why negotiated government wages and benefits are higher than for similar jobs in the private sector or why we learn constantly about wasteful, useless or over-budget government projects or programs.

The reality is that while taxpayers have beer money, government officials have champagne tastes. We all pay in the end.

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