The Province

Sugar has the same effect on your liver as alcohol

- Drs. Oz and Roizen

When SpongeBob SquarePant­s gets drunk on ice cream in his selftitled movie, he rants, reels and generally steps in it! Seems a sugar buzz can put even a high-strung animated character on a Rocky Road.

Researcher­s are declaring that cartoon story is not so make-believe.

“Sugar is the alcohol of childhood!” says a panel of doctors, professors, researcher­s and nutritioni­sts who founded Action on Sugar (actiononsu­ Their declaratio­n of war on companies that target kids with obesity-inducing, sugar-rich foods — and their plea to adults to avoid them, too — builds on the info in a 2012 paper in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that revealed that added fructose (from corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup and a zillion other products) when consumed in excess is “a chronic, dose-dependent liver toxin” that damages the liver just like alcohol does! And on top of that, it’s metabolize­d directly into fat, not energy!

You’ve heard us say that all added sugars and syrups are food felons and a healthy life depends on avoiding them! Now there’s one more reason to protect your kids and yourself from the damage they can do.

So, start with this: Check ingredient­s listings for added sugars, such as sucrose, glucose, syrup, dextrose, fructose, corn syrup or HFCS. Refuse to buy anything that has more than 4 grams per serving of those ingredient­s. You can enjoy natural sweetness from fresh fruit, 100-per-cent whole grains and big-flavour herbs like basil, mint and lavender.

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