The Province

Partying Earl Marriot grads leave mess behind at ‘Big Silver’

High school principal issues public apology, calls for student cleanup

- Glenda Luymes gluymes@theprovinc­­es

The principal of Earl Marriott Secondary is hoping students will return to Harrison Lake to clean up the site of a non-sanctioned camping trip over the May long weekend.

In a letter to parents, Ken Hignell said he received several calls and emails about the mess left behind after the event at “Big Silver” near Harrison Lake.

Photos posted online by concerned residents and campers show Earl Marriott signs and gear, such as an EMS rugby ball, surrounded by garbage.

“Clearly, the evidence shows these teens are likely grads from our school,” said Hignell in his letter.

“Just as the many public users of the campsite are affected by the mess left behind, our school is also affected and embarrasse­d by associatio­n with the actions of these teens.”

While the school had no knowledge of the camping trip, Hignell said he planned to put together a “cleanup team” of students and staff who would return to the campsite to “help restore the area.”

The principal referred to letters sent to parents earlier in the year outlining graduation expectatio­ns.

“I encourage parents to take this opportunit­y to talk to your sons or daughters about grad celebratio­ns, as well as making good choices and avoiding dangerous situations,” he wrote. “It is important that students and parents understand the potential dangers involved.”

Last May, two Prince George teens died at a non-sanctioned after-prom party when their car plunged into a lake in the middle of the night.

A few weeks ago, Vancouver Coastal Health launched a campaign urging parents not to allow teens access to alcohol at graduation parties.

Statistics show about 70 per cent of all Canadian teens in 2012 had tried alcohol. About 60 per cent of underage drinkers reported binge drinking one or more times in the year.

 ??  ?? Students from Earl Marriot school were found responsibl­e for a mess left following a grad camping trip near Harrison Lake.
Students from Earl Marriot school were found responsibl­e for a mess left following a grad camping trip near Harrison Lake.

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