The Province

Is too much alcohol hurting your health?

Even occasional bingeing can be harmful

- Mehmet Oz, M.D. and Michael Roizen, M.D. YOU DOCS

You don’t need to have a daily drinking problem to get into trouble with alcohol. A new report reveals that in some parts of North America, one in three adults knock back beer, wine and liquor intermitte­ntly, but to dangerous levels. “We’re going in the wrong direction,” notes the lead researcher. We agree. Overall, about one in six Americans binge-drink. Binge-drinking is downing four or more drinks for women, five for men, in about two hours — four or more times per month, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For many folks, it doesn’t look like a health problem because their weekly drink tally still might be within a healthy range. Yet more and more research says this kind of overconsum­ption can have serious downsides that fly under the radar. Bingeing, nearbingei­ng and having “just one more” are all getting linked to a broad range of health issues.

For women, research shows that sipping two to three drinks a day on a regular basis increases odds for breast cancer by 20 per cent; regularly having five a day raises it an extra 50 per cent, compared with women who skip alcohol.

For men, a recent study from Finland found that those who drank enough to have a hangover even once a year were at increased risk for a stroke. Men who bingedrink had a bigger buildup of gunky, heart-and-brain-threatenin­g plaque in artery walls.

Even if you overdo it only on Friday night, Saturday night and/or Sunday brunch — while keeping your weekly drink total to a respectabl­e level — those big doses of alcohol can age your immune system, trigger heartrhyth­m problems and raise levels of LDL cholestero­l as much as 40 per cent.

These steps can help you enjoy alcohol without hurting your health:

Pour wisely. You’ve no doubt heard that women should stick to one drink per day, men up to two drinks per day, max. But the definition of one serving may surprise you: It’s 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine or 1½ ounces (one shot glass) of liquor. That means plenty of the drinks served in bars, restaurant­s and at home are equal to one and a half servings or more! Steer clear of big goblets and short, wide glasses: In one study, people overpoured in those.

Look at the big picture. If you’re a woman at higher-than-average risk for breast cancer or if you’re just worried, talk with your doctor about alcohol. If you’re a woman or man who drinks moderately but you have other heart disease risk factors, you also might want to talk with your doctor about cutting back.

In a recent University of Pennsylvan­ia review of 50 studies involving 260,000 people, those who drank 17-per-cent less than the average weren’t as likely to have high blood pressure, heart disease or be overweight. “Reduced consumptio­n of alcohol, even for light to moderate drinkers, may lead to improved cardiovasc­ular health,” one of the researcher­s noted.

Working long hours? Don’t reward yourself with extra. In a recent study looking at the working hours and drinking habits of 333,693 people in 14 countries, an internatio­nal research team found that those putting in more than 48 hours per week were about 12 per cent more likely to overdo it than those working 40 hours.

 ??  ?? A new study found that about one in six Americans occasional­ly binge-drink, and it can lead to serious health issues.
A new study found that about one in six Americans occasional­ly binge-drink, and it can lead to serious health issues.

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