The Province

In some teens, pot will ‘kill your dreams,’ counsellor says


Gordon Clark wrote an excellent column in Monday’s paper. The pro-marijuana-side argument is full of partial truths and, in some cases, untruths.

I work in five secondary schools and have seen first-hand the trouble regular marijuana use causes our youth. Pot may not kill you, but it will kill your dreams.

Last month, I attended a conference on drug and alcohol abuse in Boise, Idaho. Leaders from both the state and school system in Colorado, which legalized marijuana in 2012, presented, and the impact from legal, recreation­al marijuana has been significan­t on kids, especially kids in school.

Thanks for publishing the column; I’m sure the pushback has been significan­t.

Doug Rogers, School District 22, Vernon

City using common sense

Wednesday’s column by Gordon Clark misuses research to back up a weak argument against what Vancouver is trying to achieve through its regulation of medicalmar­ijuana dispensari­es.

What the city is doing is progressiv­e and should be supported by anyone who likes evidenced-based approaches to policy. The city has for a long time stopped enforcing cannabis possession, as it is seen as a drain on limited police and court resources for no gain to public safety.

The reason we have more than a hundred marijuana dispensari­es is that there is a huge appetite for this drug. Most of it is probably recreation­al, but a sizable amount of it is for medical conditions. It may not cure anything, but it does reduce suffering and it is safe.

When you weigh its desirabili­ty, utility and safety against the negative consequenc­es of prohibitio­n, it is clear that what the city is doing is the type of governance that we should all expect from our elected politician­s.

Forman Howes, Vancouver

Council should be fired

Am I the only one who sees the huge hypocrisy in Vancouver city council allowing medical-marijuana dispensari­es, yet forcing the hookah shop to close after being in business for 17 years?

I cannot believe that a city council would so openly defy federal laws. The whole lot of them should be fired, including the mayor. If they had done their jobs properly and nipped the first dispensari­es in the “bud” immediatel­y, like other cities, the number of pot shops wouldn’t have grown to nearly 100.

Sylvia Taylor, Surrey

Wait times not accurate

The way the B.C. government’s publicized surgical wait times are calculated is extremely misleading. They only measure from the day the surgery is scheduled to the day it is performed.

The timer on wait times should start when you present your symptoms to the first medical profession­al in the treatment chain. Whether you are waiting for tests, or waiting to see a specialist, or waiting in a queue for treatment, you are nonetheles­s waiting.

Wait times that ignore your wait before being scheduled for surgery are meaningles­s.

Steen Petersen, Nanaimo

Nix the netminders

Re: Proposed three-on-three overtime to decide NHL games.

Seeing as we’re talking the ridiculous, how about five-on-five with no goalies and the winner is the team with the most goals after five minutes? Hah.

George Mann, Surrey

 ?? — THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Anti-pot activists make their point at a rally in Vancouver on April 20.
— THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Anti-pot activists make their point at a rally in Vancouver on April 20.

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