The Province

The three best ways to stay young at heart

- Drs. Oz and Roizen

Three is a number with a lot of power: There are three dimensions (length, depth, width); three parts to time (past, present, future); we live on the third planet from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth).

But for you, the most powerful threesome is found in a trio of ways to roll back your RealAge — by 35-40 years by the time you’re 85! They’re from 2015’s three best medical articles on reversing aging, which focus on: increasing your grip strength; periodic calorie reduction; and eating plenty of DMB (3,3-dimethyl-1butanol).

Grip strength: Grip strength (or weakness) may indicate your rate of aging better than your weight, LDL cholestero­l level or blood pressure! And improving grip strength may boost muscle tone, circulatio­n and heart strength. Check out Dr. Roizen’s Nutty Rice Bucket Challenge at nuttyriceb­ to change gripe into grip!

Periodic calorie reduction: A short-burst diet plan — four or five days of 1,000 calories or less a month — seems to be a smart move for folks without chronic health problems (check with your doc). Researcher­s at the University of Southern California tested the diet strategy and found that after three months, folks had improvemen­ts in markers linked to a lower risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. (In animal models, stem cells’ telomere length actually increased.)

EatDMB: Extra-virgin olive oil contains DMB. It stops gut bacteria from turning chemicals in red meat and egg yolks into TMAO (trimethyla­mine N-oxide), a heart-clogging substance that ages you prematurel­y.

Follow this trio, and you’ll be getting a younger RealAge!

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