The Province

Is B.C. a hot spot for money laundering?

- Michael Smyth­ews

Last October, the RCMP confronted a suspected impaired driver in a Chilliwack casino parking lot after witnesses reported an erratic motorist on a nearby highway.

The cops seized more than $20,000 in cash, crack cocaine, pills and illegal radar-detection equipment from the vehicle.

The story got more shocking as the investigat­ion deepened, court records show.

Police say the driver claimed at the scene that he had won more than $300,000 playing slot machines at various B.C. casinos.

Digging deeper, police learned the man had been paid out more than $2 million by small northern casinos in less than a year.

Police suspect they had uncovered a massive money laundering operation. Now the province’s Civil Forfeiture Office is trying to recover cash from the man.

It’s a story that has NDP Leader John Horgan wondering why traffic cops are uncovering massive suspected fraud cases.

“Why are we relying on traffic stops as our major anti-money-laundering strategy?” Horgan asked Wednesday.

The NDP leader says the B.C. government has been asleep at the switch, and raises an excellent point when you consider recent tales of money laundering in Vancouver’s hyper-inflated real estate market.

An audit by FINTRAC — the federal anti-money-laundering agency — found the number of Metro Vancouver real estate agents not following proper record-keeping rules and other “significan­t deficienci­es” increased more than 240 per cent in one year.

Now the NDP points to fresh evidence of potential money laundering in provincial liquor stores.

Last May, the manager of a government liquor store in Vancouver raised concerns about “a few” cash transactio­ns of more than $10,000. A supervisor emailed him back that the transactio­ns did not have to be reported to FINTRAC and should be reported internally to management instead.

Solicitor General Mike Morris rejects suggestion­s B.C. has become a giant laundromat for criminals’ dirty loot.

“There are lots of laws in place,” Morris said. “Of course transactio­ns over $10,000 have to be reported to FINTRAC. If they haven’t been reported, then those are issues we have to take up with the agencies who haven’t been reporting them.”

But Horgan raises the disturbing possibilit­y that B.C. is making a fortune on gambling, booze and property-transfer taxes and turning a blind eye to shady deals.

“The Liberals are, in essence, complicit,” Horgan said.

“Why would they shut down money laundering when it’s increasing revenues to the Crown?”

An outrageous suggestion, the government says. But with billions of dollars in drug money — and billions more flowing every year out of China — it’s reasonable to conclude money laundering must be rampant.

Every level of government needs to do a better job ensuring taxpayers aren’t unwittingl­y providing the laundry room for criminals laughing all the way to the bank.

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